Cyrdic's blade slammed against the hellmetal sword in a parry, and shoved it to the side with all of his immense strength. He then grabbed the black iron arm of Theodric with his free arm, gripping it in his cable-like muscles in an attempt to disarm the Chaos champion. The servant of Tzeentch pulled his own free fist back, a guantlet with embedded spikes for tearing through armor. It was aimed straight for Cyrdic's exposed face, and the Ostland man knew he was about to die. Crack. Cyrdic was certain that was the sound of his skull breaking, but after a moment he realized the crushing blow hadn't come. It had been the crack of a pistol shot... He opened his eyes, and saw the Chaos warrior's visor filling with an ethereal, purplish light that held as much madness as the previous visions he and Camilla had seen. Even the seams in his black plate began to glow, and Cyrdic let go of the Chosen. He stumbled back, bleeding and wheezing. Theodric cried out in a bellow of inhuman suffering. Within moments, Theodric was gripped by an unseen force, his form taut and rigid. Slowly, he was dragged back toward the throne, his form growing softer, almost transparent. The Chosen tried to halt the force, but his body was inexorably drawn to the throne. [h3]You have not killed me. The Changer of Ways is my master, and holds my fate. Your souls will belong to those whom he has allied with. This world will be consumed by Hellfire.[/h3] The pronouncement dropped atop Cyrdic's sensibilities like an anvil, breaking the last of his resolve. "Cyrdic!" he heard Camilla cough, getting to her feet. The ex-sergeant fell to his knees, catching himself on his hands. Camilla practically skidded to him and wrapped her arms around him as best as her bruised form could. Before them, Theodric's armor was now encased upon the throne, and a whisper followed. "They come." [@Penny]