[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qzvR0Ec.png[/img] [h3][color=ffff99]Kasuke Mina[/color][/h3][/center] Mina listened to Jais patiently, calming down. He was speaking sense. Though, she was annoyed that he couldn't really back up his claim that she could have done more or made any mistakes when fighting Amane. She knew more about how he fought now, and strategies that circumvented his strengths, but at the time, that was the best she could have done given her knowledge and resources, and she believed that. He was, however, right about failure. She needed one. She would not have driven herself to train to the point of exhaustion without a failure. She would have been unknowingly second-best, and would have been complacent in her ignorance. Now her quirk was even powerful than it was before, and her injuries and exhaustion aside, she was no less skilled than she ever was. This fight with Dulga had highlighted emotional weaknesses, and for that she was glad. It would allow her to avoid making the same mistake in the future. She promised herself that she would never lose her cool and get wild and sloppy ever again. She may not have correctly realized the meaning that Jais was trying to convey to her, but she did discern a meaning from his words. She would continue to train, to push herself and compare herself to others, and if she ever failed again, if any weaknesses were found, she would quash them as soon as possible. She would be the greatest and most powerful Hero in this school. The worrying determined steel in her eyes that showed for too brief a second to comment upon was quickly replaced by fiery anger as she batted his hand away. The tears were gone now; frozen over by her iciness. [color=ffff99]"You're not my family. I'm not your daughter. You're my teacher. I'm your student. I don't know if my mother ever let you pat her head, but I'm not my mother."[/color] Mina then promptly turned and headed back towards the changing rooms. [@Aerandir]