[@Lmpkio] ... So, to stick with the theme of his childhood being poor I was imagining specifically a [i]petty[/i] criminal with only meager success that couldn't properly provide, but apparently this soft-spoken lady is also an ingenious thief who infiltrates the highly guarded mansions of rich people, making off with what I imagine to be tons of gold and has made a name for herself, before returning to her poor and toxic family. I find this hilarious and am okay with this. Also, no, you won't be calling your griffern -san or -kun, Japanese is not a thing in Magvel or anywhere beyond it. We have the wrong language settings. I am sorry. Also, you're calling yourself Severus at one point. Other than that, it looks fine. This has been PlatinumSkink's GM-instincts of critiquing character sheets placed before him even if the individual isn't necessarily even cleared to join the roleplay yet. Have a good day.