[@Balthazar007] The Pokemon popped out of the pokeball on the third shake, Circe was preparing to watch it run away. But the Clefairy took a huge jump towards the bidding g trainer. Circe stepped back in surprise but upon closer inspection noticed that Clefairy looked malnourished, she remembered that Clefairy got most of it's food from dancing in the moonlight. She squinted up and saw the sun bright in sky, Russia's daylight lasted longer than other places. Circe understood, Clefairy wanted to be caught. So she tossed an other ball, the second closed it clicked. Her eyes opened wide, she was a real trainer now, she had her first pokemon. She ran full sprint back to the group full of excitement, as she ran up her foot caught a rock and she fell face first onto the ground. She sat up and rubbed her face and she smiled huge. [color=fdc68a]"I caught a Clefairy!!"[/color] She called out to the professors. After a bit more searching by the other people and no luck finding the fairy pokemon they all returned to the base camp. They all sat in the cafeteria eating. Circe called out her first pokemon, she looked dazed and nervous being brought out of the pokeball. [color=fdc68a]["It's ok, I brought you to feed you."/color] The Clefairy looked at the pokefood in front of it and it's eyes got huge. She showed down with the best Snorlax out there and Circe smiled again. [color=fdc68a]"I think I will call you Honey, after Honey Senpei from Ouran Highschool Host club."[/color] Honey kept eating not paying much attention to it's new trainer, it was good to have real food again.