[h1][b][i]REVERSEharem [right][sub]based in japan[/sub][/right][/i][/b][/h1] [color=6495ED][b]Makoto Nygaard:[/b][/color] A volleyball player who likes to keep to himself. He’s a bright student athlete who is dedicated to both his academic studies and sports. His parents are hard-pressed on him to obtain good grades to be able to get into a prestigious university in order to become a doctor.[center][hider=MAKOTO][IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/314ujgp.jpg[/IMG][/hider][/center] [color=133FBA][b]Gennosuke Umehara:[/b][/color] A prankster who likes to push the buttons of the other students in his class. He’s annoying, loud, and obnoxious, but has a good heart. He’s got a happy-go-lucky outlook to mask the burdens he carries at home.[center][hider=GENNOSUKE][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tales-of-link/images/3/3d/%28Dark_Spear_Wielder%29_Ludger.png/revision/latest?cb=20160713114128[/img][/hider][/center] [color=613973][b]Daiki Matsuoka:[/b][/color] He is one of the most mature and intellectual students in their class, also being ranked at the top of the class too.He’s usually pretty friendly, but can be somewhat pretentious and stuck up to others he finds unbearable.[center][hider=DAIKI][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d2/e0/21/d2e021cbd10d8626c8a45a0325808671--anime-hot-anime-guys.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=13BA18][b]Jin Arioka:[/b][/color] He often sits in the back of the class, quiet to the rest and not very talkative. He’s a dreamer who spends most of his time aimlessly looking out the window, waiting for the day to pass. He aspires to be a popular musician who is able to play shows worldwide.[center][hider=JIN][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/dpg0o7.png[/IMG][/hider][/center] [color=BA1313][b]Satoshi Inada:[/b][/color] He lives on the same block, having grown up with you and being one of your best friends since primary school. You know everything about him, and know that he is a genuine and sweet guy. A middle of the pack guy who sometimes can get lost in the crowd, but is dependable.[center][hider=SATOSHI][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/2chvq51.gif[/img][/hider][/center]