[h1][b][i]REVERSEharem [right][sub]based in the united states[/sub][/right][/i][/b][/h1] [color=334E7A][b]Samson “Sam” Ahn:[/b][/color] A genuine and sweet guy who wants everyone to like him. He’s outgoing and social, being everyone’s friend. Some can find that a bit fake, but that’s just who he is. Sam is a people pleaser who carries a good heart. [color=24E261][b]Bartleby “Bee” Martin:[/b][/color] Two words that can describe the guy are lovable and charming. He’s always carrying around a cheeky grin that is very infectious. Can sometimes be a bit of an airhead and dork, but he’s just an all-round sweet guy. [color=1C1B1C][b]Owen Orion:[/b][/color] He’s dark, brooding, and moody. Often carrying a rain cloud above his head, he likes to be left alone. Not very talkative, but will speak if spoken too, out of moral obligation to not come off as too rude. [color=F5F258][b]Arthur West, Jr.:[/b][/color] He might be the captain of the football team, but Arthur wants to show others he is more than just that. He’s your All-American quarterback, who has to carry himself with respect to keep the town proud. Has a lot on his plate but does what he can. [color=F06A22][b]Reymond “Rey” Fuentes:[/b][/color] Cocky and arrogant, Rey thinks he’s above the rest. He’s brilliant and at the top of the class, having worked extremely hard to get to where he is. The guy has a lot of doubters and people to prove, but that only makes him work harder. [color=C21010][b]Nevin “Profit” Profit-Sambilay:[/b][/color] He comes from a long line of athletes, having both the inherited the talent and worked for it. He just wants to prove his self-worth and show others that he’s more than his family name.