[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@Eklispe][@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia watched the conversation as it went on while making sure that Tyrunt did nothing to upset the Miltanks surrounding her and itself. To say she wasn't entirely happy when Dawkin brought up that Tyrunt was nearby didn't really please her and made her worried that Kristy might try to attack them in order to get Tyrunt back. However, her ability to be worried about that was short lived when she noticed the ancient pokemon approaching her, mouth slightly open as if preparing to bite her. She barely had time to react when it did and she was prepared for it to hurt, which made her rather surprised when it didn't. She realized the little dinosaur was simply playing and she smiled as she let it nibble her, a small laughing escaping from her as it continued to do so. She didn't hear the rest of the conversation between Dawkin and Kristy as she was busy keeping Tyrunt occupied and only noticed it had ended when Dawkin approached her and informed her that they would be able to keep Tyrunt before asking if she was interested. Amelia looked at the nibbling pokemon with a frown on her face before shaking her head. "[color=a187be]As much as I don't want to, I'll have to decline. I don't think this little guy will be a good match with the rest of my team. If you want him though, I think that would be good. You're a good person after all[/color]." She said while petting Tyrunt. When it took a second to stop nibbling her, she gently raised it's head so she could look at it. [color=a187be]"You're going to be traveling with Dawkin now. Be a good boy for him and stay out of trouble. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again in the future and I hope you'll be big and strong by then[/color]." Her good-byes said, she got up and would follow Dawkin along the route after he took Tyrunt, eager to be off this route and into Raremine.