[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Z4tbhP3.png[/img] [color=FireBrick][h3]Captain Piper[/h3][/color] [color=FireBrick]Level[/color]: 2 [color=FireBrick]day/time[/color]: day 3 - evening [color=FireBrick]Location[/color]: Forest of Skyrim [color=FireBrick]Word count[/color]: 413 [color=FireBrick]Interacting with[/color]: [@Zarkun], [@Holy Soldier], [@Mattchstick], [@Lugubrious] [/center] [color=FireBrick][i]The boss really can't commit to being nice can he. There always just has to be a backhand involved in any apology or compliment he gives[/i][/color] [color=FireBrick]”That's not what I... Ah never mind.”[/color] At least her poor word choice ment nobody realised what she had been planning to do. Planning to do because after arriving at the fortress and hearing the odds they were up against wandering up into the mountains alone at night seemed like a bad idea, as did leaving the already small team alone to face that many laser gun welding deer hat enthusiasts and their animal themed bots commanders. Once she heard the Bosses surprising sane, if simple, plan, she silently kicked her whole solo expedition plan into the dustbin of bad ideas and focused on the task at hand. [color=FireBrick]”That's actually… yeah that'll work. Sets us up for a pincer move on the wolf too which is nice. We can figure out specific tactics once we actually set eyes on the place, seeing as no plan survives the boarding impact. Only thing I can suggest as far as overall strategy goes is that we try and focus on luring the laser gunner guys into places where our melee fighters can ambush them to get some guns of their own while avoiding places where we’d be advancing across coverless ground. This for example,“[/color] she pointed at the crude depiction of the riverside with its long walkways and bridges [color=FireBrick]”looks like it might be awful exposed whereas this”[/color] she pointed to the varois homes and stairways leading up to the treasury house [color=FireBrick]“looks like it’ll be alot better for gap closing.”[/color] She imagined this was rather obvious for everyone, the warriors themselves had certainly learned the advantage of cover, but she believed it worth repeating just incase it prevented the boss form ordering any suicidal charges. She was pleased to hear that Azura seemed to have more tricks up her sleeve than just her enchanting singing voice and after a few moments of contemplation suggested that: [color=FireBrick]“maybe if we can spot some of them from here”[/color] she pointed at what looked like some large rocks or buildings across the river from the penguin's lair [color=FireBrick]“I can get their attention with some fancy marksmanship and maybe pull them down to the riverside where they’ll be in the aforementioned coverless danger zone and in rage of your, uh, magic”[/color] She was still getting used to the idea that magic might be real.