[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=4dffa6]Dr. Dorothy Pender[/color] & [color=8882be]Dr. Fitz Townsley[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s13.postimg.cc/pbhyy3wgn/ezgif-2-a33e327eb6.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=4dffa6]Location:[/color][/b] Lady Luck's [b][color=8882be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] Fitz gave Daphne a huge smile, a bit surprised himself that she had agreed to it. He hadn't been too certain that a girl like her would ever be interested in someone like him. He did know better than to question why she had agreed to dance with him, though he was also too naive to consider that someone may have had ulterior motives. [color=8882be]"G-great,"[/color] Fitz said. [color=4dffa6]"I can watch your winnings, kid,"[/color] Dorothy said. She wasn't planning on leaving the table and the kid could always cash them in later. For now, she was more curious to see him dancing with her sister. [color=8882be]"Th-thanks,"[/color] Fitz replied, entirely too trusting. He got up and offered Daphne his hand. It seemed to be the polite thing to do. [color=8882be]"I-I've never d-danced much before..."[/color] he then added softly. He didn't want to step on her feet, but he figured she deserved a warning that it could be a possibility. The only girl he had ever danced with had been his sister when they were little and their parents [i]insisted[/i] on taking them to dance classes. He laughed a bit at the preacher's comment about rationalizing irrational numbers, as it ran through his head again. However, he was almost certain his sister had tried to do just that on one occasion at least. [color=4dffa6]"An entire day without you preaching to me?"[/color] Dorothy asked, shuffling the deck of cards. [color=4dffa6]"You really do know the way to a girl's heart,"[/color] she quipped with an eye roll. She knew that they could technically play another round of poker, but she had another game in mind. It was simpler, but ideal for two players. And it had some historical significance, coming straight from the Earth That Was. She dealt both of them in, setting the remainder of the deck face down in the middle. [color=4dffa6]"I assume an experienced gambler such as yourself is familiar with this game,"[/color] Dorothy said coyly. She was quickly rearranging her own hand, placing them into numerical order. She had a mischievous gleam in her eye as she glanced up at Atticus. [color=4dffa6]"The name of the game, of course, is Go Fish,"[/color] she described. [color=4dffa6]"Would you care for the first turn, Preacher?"[/color] It wasn't Poker, sure, but he had simply asked for cards. And Dorothy felt confident that she could win at least one blissful preaching free week with this selection of game.