[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff][b][i]Iris Kingston[/i][/b][/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/fc0a9f84cac592710128220e4db8bada/tumblr_oggm69aCVN1ueno0yo4_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=99ccff]Location:[/color][/b] Justice Asylum [b][color=99ccff]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=99ccff]Perception, Psychology, Photographic Memory[/color] [/center][hr] Iris hadn't had a chance to read the memo yet and she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Their work was already difficult and challenging in its own right - to help those who had lost their way find the path to happiness once more. But with the relatively tiny amount of aid they got from the state, they were battling not just mental illness but inadequacies - shortages, cameras in need of repairs, overworked orderlies, and so forth. It was something that Iris could not change, no matter how much positive thinking she practiced. The realities of her job could not be escaped. [color=99ccff]"Is the coroner going to come to collect the body?"[/color] Iris couldn't help but ask. [color=99ccff]"As for what happened...I was treating a patient of mine - Jaina Sarbye - and she was speaking only in Russian. The UN sent in a translator - Risa Couri or something along those lines - who had a fairly athletic build, brown hair, blue eyes. She spoke with the patient, after which the patient attempted to attack me, but the situation was handled,"[/color] Iris described. She then went onto describe the attack - how Risa had tied her up and her patient had killed the orderly, with the two escaping before Iris could do anything to stop them.