[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEyOC41ODJmMmQuU0dWeWJ5QkhkV0Z5WkEsLC4w/comic-runes.regular.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/maleficent-concept-art-4.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Welcome to the Hero Guard! You and your companions have been chosen by the hero to act as the guard during the journeys that will likely end in everyone’s prompt demise. There are many different reasons why one might have taken this job; a need for money, fame, the chance to get laid! The choice is yours as to why you decided to join the hero in the quest of a lifetime![/i] Hello, welcome to my D&D 5e campaign where your characters of all size and beginnings, will join the famous hero in their quest to do something. We will be starting at level one and we will be using the [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores/] 20 point buy[/url] for stats. And you will all be given a magical item unique to your characters! The only thing I need is a link to the character sheet, preferably from Myth-Weaver or something. Combat will be done in the OOC which will take time, yes, but actual posts will just be a summary of what your character will be doing which will include your rolls and the likes. However, the more flare and style you put into anything will make the journey all the better! You can use (almost) anything, the standard stuff, Uneartherd Arcana, but your CS must be approved by me before anything. PM them to me, or post them here. That will be all for the time being! Join the Hero and do awesome, and unnameable things! [hider=Glossary] [hider=General History] [i]Over a century ago, a dark and powerful Lich named Axion rose to power, using his newly gained dark powers to conquer and subjugate. Legions of the undead poured into the lands and forced the countries that inhabited the realm to set aside their petty squabbles and banded together to fight off this evil but to no avail. Their armies proved no match for the Lich’s limitless undead armies and his dark commanders who slaughtered any resistance that they met with ease. These armies pushed all the way to the city of Neverwinter, putting the city under siege for two years before a mysterious hero came about and routed the undead army. The legendary hero was born, a being blessed by the gods and spirits, magical weapons and armor adorned the hero and was adept in mystical powers as well. Now it may be hard to believe, but the legendary hero was a simple Kobold by the name of Askia. It was she who led the armies of man, dwarf, dragonborn, and so on to fight a concentrated front against the dark lord. However, the tides did not change and with each battle where Askia was not present, armies suffered heavy casualties. There was barely any hope to go around other than that one day the hero would put an end to it all. However, the end came about in a spectacular fashion. The hero abandoned the war all together and went to fight Axion on her own, it was said that the duel took over a month to see through and there were displays of power so grand that it could be seen from the edges of the world. Yet, in the end, Askia found herself victorious, destroying Axion completely. It was then that the tide of war changed, the undead armies no longer able to be supplemented with fresh bodies as it had been once before. The commanders that once slaughtered were either killed or driven out of the lands for victory and for the people that live in Faerun! Additionally, the legendary hero still lives, having grown powerful enough to no longer age.[/i][/hider] [hider=Characters] [color=Blue]Heroes[/color] [hider=Askia, the Hero of legend] [center][img]https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/311955881589997568/323989374545035264/image.png?width=502&height=459[/img][/center] The Hero of legend who slayed the Lich known as Axion. [b]MORE INFORMATION TO BE GAINED[/b][/hider] [color=crimson]Villains[/color] [hider=Axion, The Arch-Lich] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/61/21/8e/61218ed9e9a07ae363d27dd1ecbb4478.jpg[/img][/center] The Arch-Lich Axion who, for a time, ruled over most of the known world before being brought down by the legendary hero Askia. [b]MORE INFORMATION TO BE GAINED[/b][/hider][/hider][/hider]