[@KatherinWinter] Richard was the first agent on the scene, but the bureau had told him that he would be getting a partner for this investigation. He fresh out of training and was rather excited considering this would be the very first case he would be on. He scanned the scene and noted that the policemen were already at work talking to two people that were part of the incident. The first man was unscathed while the other had some cuts and bruises being treated by the on site paramedics. As soon as Richard saw the injured man, he rushed over to him. Much to the shock of everyone present. Evermore so when Richard's hand produced a faint light that healed the small cuts and bruises of the formerly injured man. The police had been cautious of the man and reported his sudden appearance to their dispatcher. Richard overheard the call and attempted to smooth out the situation as quickly as he could. [color=brown] "No need to worry gents. I'm with the government." [/color] Richard said with utmost professionalism...that was shattered instantly when he fumbled to draw his badge and caused it to get snagged in his pocket and drop it in a puddle of God knows what. [color=brown] 'So much for good first impressions...' [/color]