[center][h1][color=0072bc]Walt Grismer[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Walt loved crowded places, the opening of a new mall was one such occasion that brought out all of the wealthy and eager to come and blow too much money on things they don't need, but something he had learned was that often times, people were far more careless with the way they carried their money when they anticipate pulling it out a lot. Within the first hour of opening, he had already swiped two hundred and fifty in cash and some gift cards he had found in wallets, he didn't need the money too bad but he hated to see an opportunity pass him by. The real goal of the day was a lovely jewelry shop, couples looking at engagement rings and diamond earrings, but all Walt knew was that diamonds were expensive and he had a guy that would buy them. "Excuse me [i]sir[/i] is there something I can help you with?" A posh looking salesman said with obvious disdain, Walt was just dressed in dark clothes, a thin leather jacket over a white hoodie. Walt took off his sunglasses, now indoors and out of the sun. [color=0072bc]"Actually I could use a hand, My wife is not doing well, I thought I might surprise her with some new jewelry."[/color] The salesman was skeptical but led him to the counter anyway, but not before a small stone fell from Walt's pocket, enchanted with a horrid odor. The salesman did his best to try and help Walt even as the stench became over whelming and the other customers had already left, soon the salesman excused himself to make a call, only long enough for Walt to swipe a few rings and earrings before ducking out himself. Walt made his way out of the area of the jewelry store, score in hand, slowly enchanting each small piece to be invisible. How many times had he done this now? If most people didn't just think all Drow were criminals anyway, it may have been easier to find which one did the crime.... though, to be fair whichever one you grabbed probably did [i]something.[/i]