[@Pandalope] [@Aristocles] Tovo could not wait any longer. The longer he stayed idle in this bush the higher the chance he would be discovered and caught. The the relative calm he had felt was long gone, his heart raced again and sweat dripped from his brow freely, as thoughts went in and out of his head at the speed of a diving hawk. He couldn't set his plan into action in this state, but he knew how to calm himself down. Tovo's hand went to his side to hold his prized possession in his hand. The feeling of the stick stopped the excess production of sweat, slowed his heart to a gentle beat, and solidified the plan in his head. It was now or never. Tovo leaped out of the bush and vaulted over the animal fence made of sticks and vine. The two goblin farmers failed to react fast enough as he snatched up the fattest hen he could grab and jumped on the largest pig he saw. Tovo's perception of time seemed to slow down significantly as he brought down his open palm on the right butt cheek of the pig, causing it squeal loudly and move forward with great speed. The animal fence never stood a chance against the combined force of the weight and speed of a panicked pig. He could just barely hold onto the pig with one arm, as the pig ran through the village at top speed.