TRIPLE POST! Okay just letting you guys know that at this rate I'll be ready to get a campaign going next week so it's time to get parties ready. To do so we need the following... Party #1 (You guys can come up with a name) DM - ??? Party Member 1 - ??? Party Member 2 - ??? Party Member 3 - ??? etc. etc. I would recommend a party of five, six if you count the dm. If no one wants to be dm I can be but I'd prefer to hand over the reigns at a later date so it doesn't seem like I'm giving my party an advantage over others. On that note I'll be changing the name slightly to show that Kingdoms of Khoyee is intended to be played by multiple parties. I'd call it an MMO Tabletop RPG. Perhaps not massive, but it will be designed to be so. Alright with that I look forward to what we put together!