[hider=Voss] [center][img]http://gameabout.com/files/attach/images/115/403/530/003/c9863be3ce331804e53fe23193f777fd.jpg[/img] [h1]"Shall we be done with this, please? I was rather enjoying the history text I was going through, and I fear I might lose my place."[/h1] [b]Name[/b] Voss [b]Appearance[/b] Being at around 5'7" tall, Voss is not a terribly imposing figure, nor does he have any real interest in such. His rather lean frame is hidden under his attire, rather bright for a Shaman, but something that Voss is rather fond of regardless of stereotypical attire for his profession. Despite the full coverage of his attire, he has a handful of scars, mostly from the encounters he had with monsters that were not handled by the Jehanna mercenaries, though one running from just above his left wrist to his shoulder looks like a burn, though it was caused by attempting to force magic too far above his abilities. [b]Apparent Age[/b] Young Adult [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Nation[/b] Grado [b]Class[/b] Shaman [b]Weapon Mastery[/b] C - Dark Magic [b]Level[/b] 4 [b]Background[/b] Voss comes from a long running lineage of magic users within the kingdom of Grado, though most of his siblings tended towards the anima wielding mages, attempting to distance themselves from the idea that Grado’s strongest casters were Shamans and their more advanced counterparts. Voss, however, found that he much preferred the more potent power of Dark magic, alongside its unique effects most of its spells carried, distancing himself from his family to practice his art in peace. Spending a great deal of his youth studying, and practicing, in seclusion eventually led to his family, under no uncertain terms, kicking him out and telling him to not return unless he was willing to follow their wishes. Faced with homelessness, a lack of money, resources, and no trade skills worth mentioning, Voss had two options. Throw away all of his training and studies to meet the demands of his family, or join up with Grado’s army and continue his training and study there. Despite the distaste he had for large gatherings of people, let alone subservience, it was a more palpable approach than returning home and throwing away all the progress he made. As such, he approached the armed forces of Grado, offering his abilities at channeling the magic within Dark tomes in return for the necessities. Food, water, shelter, and pay, which went towards furthering his studies. Of course, news of him enlisting with the military forces of Grado did not sit well with his family, who threatened to completely disown him instead of merely just kicking him out in an effort to teach him a lesson. Voss never replied to their letters, and generally assumes they have effectively struck his name from their lineage, and took to his nickname of Voss instead of his full name, which he has not shared with a soul. Voss has served well, though not with extreme note due to his attitude and mentality, putting his studies and interest in delving ever deeper into the arts of elder magic, as some practitioners of Dark Magic refer to it. Yet serve he did, despite the mercenaries of Jehanna being ever present to solve the military problems that might face Grado, be it bandits or monsters. Voss was vocal of his disdain for the mercenaries, though not out of some patriotism, instead finding the practice of sellswords as little more than sponsored banditry. Imagine how vindicated the young Shaman will feel once the boot of Johanna falls on Grado, despite the implications this would have for him, being an active member of its military. [b]Plot-Susceptive[/b] Yes [b]Equipment and Items[/b] Nosferatu Tome Flux Tome Vulnerary [b]Personality[/b] A surprisingly patient soul, Voss can tolerate a great deal of shenanigans before losing his cool, though woe unto anyone who finally tips the wrath of this Dark magic wielder once he reaches his breaking point. Having a temper that is slow, and quiet, to build before going off like an ambush, he tends to try and distance himself well before this happens. Preferring to think before he talks, let alone acts, he doesn’t necessarily detest company, though he often finds it meddlesome or irksome at best usually, doubly so when they are needlessly cheerful or kind. As such, most tend to mistake him for being morose or otherwise chronically depressed, the natural resting state of his features not helping in this, and while he [i]does[/i] keep as tight of a lid on his emotions as possible, he isn’t naturally unhappy or happy. Neutral would be a sound way to describe his typical feeling on a day to day basis. [b]Ability Assessment[/b] Slow and steady are two great ways to describe Voss’s approach to a combat situation. Wielding his natural gift in Magic with finesse and focus, the Shaman is more than capable of unleashing a torrent of magical power above the levels of his peers, though he refuses to sacrifice control for it. As such, as much of his talent is in making the attacks land, using his finesse and focus on his spell casting to ensure the spell reaches its intended target. Of course, patience and taking the time to ensure his attacks do what he wants has their consequences. Voss is slow, to put it bluntly, moving with a steady assurance of purpose that fits his methodology of strike once and be done with it, which means faster foes will, sometimes quite literally, run circles around him. Perhaps due to focusing far too much on his studies, Voss is not terribly good at taking physical blows, making him keenly aware he will want to avoid getting in too close with foes wielding mundane methods of killing. In Short: + Magic + Skill - Speed - Defense [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b] + Well Versed, and a tad obsessed, with Historical texts and legends of the past. + Tends to be oblivious to a situation when engrossed in a book or hobby, to an almost comedic degree. + Would very much like to open his own library and retire there, though not in the expressed interest of sharing knowledge, but to accumulate and learn from it. + Do not press for information on his family, it will infuriate Voss much quicker than most would expect. + Voss has been told he has a rather pleasant singing voice, though good luck getting him to admit it, let alone demonstrate it. If he thinks he is alone, will hum and sing quietly to himself whilst reading or studying. [b]R-button Summarization[/b] Scholarly Shaman of Gardo. Usually prefers the company of books over people.[/center] [hider=Misc. Quotes] [b][u]Level Up[/u][/b] [color=ed1c24]0-1 Points:[/color] [color=00aeef]"Unacceptable."[/color] [color=f26522]2-3 Points:[/color] [color=00aeef]"Middling, but sufficient for now."[/color] [color=fff200]4-5 Points:[/color] [color=00aeef]"I am capable of greater strides, but this will do nicely."[/color] [color=39b54a]6+ Points:[/color] [color=00aeef]"As it should be, now to apply what has been gained."[/color] 0-1 Points, Capped: [color=00aeef]"A plateau of potency? This shall quickly grow maddening if left unaddressed..."[/color] [color=a187be]Changed Class:[/color] [color=00aeef]"I miss my old books already. Such is the sacrifice for new knowledge, however."[/color] [b][u]Critical Hits[/u][/b] [color=00aeef]"Enough of this!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"How uncivilized."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Now you are trying my patience..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"I do think we are just about finished here."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Out. Of. My. SIGHT!"[/color] [/hider] [/hider]