Hoyt couldn't help but smile a bit at his paper. [I]Good, I'm hoping for that.[/i] He wrote before tapping his own paper to get Adrian's attention. He was actually pleased with what Adrian said, as weird as it might have sounded. He had worked hard not to show signs of what he was. His long term goal was to learn to avoid shifting all together. Though it was more likely that he still was and Adrian didn't see it. He probably wouldn't have any idea what he should be looking for. Really though, either way it was good. He barely heard the question Adrian was asked either, mostly because he was in his own mind. Though the answer to the question was an interesting one, and he couldn't help but sit up a bit watching what Ezria was doing. It was really impressive and he wished there was a way to do something like that, though it would probably be more pain than it was worth. Kajun couldn't help but smile as he watched the pretty TA girl’s arm turn scaley. It was definitely interesting that she could do that, he wouldn't be able to. Hell, he couldn't even keep himself from purring like a idiot. He actually liked the dragons though, they pretty nice, even if they a little easy to offend. He raised his hand at the question, though the teacher didn't call on him, picking someone closer to the front. The girl she picked was, kind of right, the parts were part of the body. Raising his hand again he smiled as he was picked this time. “Shifting affects your bones, skin, and brain. Namely the left hemisphere, which handles language.” When she said he was right he smiled purring a bit as he wrote down what had been written on board. -- Devin rolled his eyes as the professor said the next time he was late, he would get detention. Like he gave a fuck what the professor of the most useless class in the school thought. He frowned a bit as he took his seat in front the bitch Martins. Everyone seemed to like the little one, he didn't see why. She was just as much worthless trash as her older sister. Randa whispered in his ear, and he hissed at the feeling of her breathe on his neck. Great, he would have to shower after gym to get that filth off of him. He was trying his best to ignore the little bitches behind him, when he felt something hit him in the back of the head, he rolled his eyes imagining it. Though he saw the piece of paper get kicked into his eyesight. DuPage was to busy talking about the stupid wars to pay attention as he bent down to pick it up and look at it, just to frown at the paper. [I]You need some nuts to replace yours? Glenn might have some, a little big for you though. Yeah?[/i] When DuPage turned to write something on the board, Devin tore the paper up turning and flipping the scraps at her. “Why don't you use them to go fuck yourself trash.” He hissed quietly at her. -- Jo nodded a bit though her hand stayed on her side. “Thank you, but I'll be fine.” She said reassuringly, it wasn't like it hurt as badly as yesterday, it was just still really sore. Honestly she didn't think about the fact that Devin wasn't following them as weird. Why would he? He had just got punched in the face. Still she was happy when Joe said he would stay with her, and she smiled a bit at him before setting her stuff out. Though it wasn't long until Alex got there and she went straight to him, unable to keep herself from crying anymore. Just having his arms around her made her safer, and calmed her a little bit. She didn't have a chance to answer before Joe did. She able to stop the little bit of crying she was doing as Alex rubbed her back calming her down. It wasn't really that she was hurting other than her side. It was the shock of being grabbed by the neck. She managed a small forced smile at Joe as he spoke again and she nodded. “Thank you Joe, so much.” She said before he slipped into the shadow and she blinked a bit as he was just gone. Alex walked her towards the table and she sat at the table and looked at him as he spoke. “Why are you sorry? It's not your fault.” The thought of not doing her class was tempting, she couldn't lie. All the while she didn't want to think about what happened anymore. “No, I still want to do it. It will get my mind off what happened. Let me just calm down a bit more.” She said looking at him for a moment before leaning her head against his shoulder. She just….she needed him right now. He whistled and she smiled a bit at the sight of Blaze, petting her after her nuzzled her hand, head still on Alex’s shoulder. This was helping a lot, she was calming down and didn't feel like she was going to start crying anymore. She moved her head and looked at him when he apologized again. Gently she put her hand through his hair getting him to look at her. “This isn't your fault Alex, he is a gross prev. If anything I should have known better than to think he would take long to recover.” She said frowning and as she looked down at Blaze. “He said something about showing me a real man. Like he half the guy you are. And then tried to bite me. So I kicked him between the legs, and I thought it would hurt him more it did.” When she looked at Alex, she was able to see him getting mad, she frowned a bit lacing her fingers through his, thumb rubbing his wrist as a yellow light shot up his arm almost like her dust. It was a nymph trick to calm people and ease their muscles. What she had been planning on showing Alex anyway.