Alyssa scratched her eyebrow as students from all around flocked towards each other to converse. Of course, being a new student once again, she no longer had friends. Some people made kind smiles, but her old friends never approached her, and even though she was afraid to admit it, she was too shy to approach them. [color=6ecff6][i]Some friends...[/i][/color] She noticed not too long after Fay left that Emma had stood up and left the classroom, too. At least, she think she heard her name was Emma, she was a new face to her. The action instigated a similar action of her own, and she too stood up and left the room. One thing her father couldn't do that she was particularly fond and skilled at was climbing. Using the forest trees or the urban buildings as her personal playground, she could travel from place to place in style. Least, that's what she thinks. Rather, travelling by rooftop is probably more likely to get you in trouble and cause even more time. Regardless, she hopped onto some loose bricks and began the climb onto the school building. She attracted some attention, but she refused to notice. Once she reached the top, she began a steady jog on the roofs of the square. It wasn't long before she circled the square, since beyond the square the gaps between buildings were much too big. She decided to rest leaning against the clock tower. In the class they had learned about the old mayors. Some girls began swooning over the current mayor Marcus, to which Alyssa scoffed at. [color=6ecff6][i]I mean, sure he's handsome and tall and stuff, but they're all immature.[/i][/color] She shook her head in disappointment. She couldn't help agree with the statements about Marcus, however. After all, she could still imagine, right? She smirked to nobody in particular, and laid back to look at the sky, hands behind her head, awaiting for the bell to ring once more.