[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2DWY9fb.png[/img] [h3][color=548b54]Dulga Tarata[/color][/h3][/center] Dulga turned away from Adriane and grabbed her belongings. She wasn’t wrong; frankly Dulga’s mother actually survived her fight with Kensai without a scratch. What killed her wasn’t Kensai, not directly. No what killed her was when she was saving Dulga. Because Dulga was too slow, too weak to save herself. And it was true; she couldn’t measure up to her mother in either skills or morals. Dulga knew this and accepted it. [color=548b54]”I don’t know what you expected and I don’t care. I’m nothing like my mother. This conversation is over.”[/color] Dulga walked towards the changing room to wash up and get out of her dirty clothes. She lost her mood to keep fighting both verbally and physically. She was just going to grab her guns and take a train back to her old home and do some hunting, maybe think about things. She didn’t expect anyone to see her this weekend so some time alone would be nice, or at least that’s what Dulga wanted to believe. She wanted to keep thinking that all she needs to do is hone her skills and be better. Anything else was just going to muddle her goal. Friends, honor, heroism, those were nice little luxuries but Dulga needed to focus on what was most nessisary. Everything else was secondary.