Shade chuckled, being believed to be a was laughable. Highly amusing, Shade waited...he was building power, there was enough shadows to work with after all. After a while of not moving, just watching as he was ignored he started to manipulate the shadows. Dark cords reached out and wrapped around Twisted metel, reaching all over. These cords were very thick and strong though using much of his quirk Shade needed to be careful now not to push himself too far. He was glad he was quick and will help if Twisted Metal desided he wanted to fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Stop here.." Aizawa said, still sort of half asleep. The driver did as he was asked for Aizawa to step out. He could see what was going on from where he stood. In the clearing he saw the vilian Twisted Metal, he saw as dark cords wrapped around him everywere they could. He didn't recongise the quirk or the user but if he was helping then sure? Putting on his goggles before rushing into the scene moving a little faster, not longer as if he was half asleep. He was ready to do what he could, pulling his scarf to use it if needed. [@Skinner35]