Hello, I know many of you have most likely never met me before. I am Manapool, and idiot doing his best! Recently, I have been playing a game called 'Dwarf fortress' and as such, have additionally watched many others do the same. My brain, being that it always seems to focus on dnd and attempt to convert things to it, couldn't help but think up a few adventures I could make other people be a part of. With that explanation out of the way, I give you this offer: A 5e or Pathfinder campaign that is completely drafted, drawn and dmed by yours truly. I can not truthfully say I am a seasoned or genius dungeon master or good at crafting these things, but it is a chance to witness something that will most likely never be witnessed again. I will have you note that I am returning to text-based roleplaying after a rather hefty sum of years. because of so, I only really post one or two paragraph responses, maybe more if I am really inspired or a lot is going on. My descriptions are best depicted as 'lumpy' which is to say I often times go into great detail over one thing and skim over the rest. I am very open to suggestion, complaints, and alterations and generally want everyone to have a good time. Know going into this that I will try to use democracy for out of character decisions. We will start at level one. Granted, I will allow the use of as many books as you'd like, any alignment and homebrew material (so long as you show the group and the majority agree), your characters will be sent by a frontier civilization to deal with an issue and chaos, adventures and fun will ensue. Who's interested?