Well if that is indeed the case I may as well not make the roleplay at all. I have no interest in making an entire setting's lore and then have it garner no interest, or bust because there is some sort of disagreement. That would require a lot of work, and a lot of effort in which case I believe I would be better off making a fanfic because at least in that case it won't go up in flames due to lack of interest in the regards of others. I feel like you're personally not a fan of how I do things which is fine a lot of people for one reason or another have issues with me. However I feel a lot of the cases people have against me as a GM are unfounded, or weak in nature. There are plenty of times where my own lack of creativity as gm has indeed doomed a roleplay. My gundam, and Rosario Vampire roleplays are a testament to that. Perhaps the sekirei ones as well but those suffer from people not bothering to get past the prologue before the entire group met up. But that's besides the point what I'm trying to say is that one should not judge a person by how they feel about them to gauge whether or not a roleplay will be successful. And while I am nowhere near the best gm I do believe I am not the worst. With all that being said I appreciate the feedback I made this thread with the intent on fleshing out HOW a roleplay would work, and possibly work out how the basic plot would be structured. From what I've gathered so far I'm just not the best person to be doing this sort of thing due to the amount of effort that would be needed to make something like this work.