[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180329/2900cf8502433891fd570e9cc2d7ee11.png[/img][/url][/center] The old woman snuck around the dumpsters, careful about making noise. The fire earlier had distracted many people, leaving her free to investigate the garbage of the middle class. Sometimes good things could be found there. Food. Occasionally someone threw out drugs in an attempt to get their loved one to quit. This was very rare though. It was like her birthday when it happened. Sometimes every alcohol appeared. So many wondrous and delicious things. Not to mention old parts of things that she could sell. Garbage was a treasure trove. Using an upturned bucket, she stepped up and began to pull apart the bags of garbage. The smell would have knocked down a normal person. But not this old lady. She might have smelled even worse. Mostly there were useless or rotten things. What she did find was an expired jar of peanut butter that had not been opened and a nice looking watch. It likely just needed a battery. She could pawn it, she was sure. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the shadows move. Hastily she tucked the peanut butter and watch into a pocket. When she looked at the shadows they looked completely normal. Coming down from the bucket she approached the shadows behind the dumpsters. They began to writhe and move as if coming toward her. She hissed like a feral cat at the shadows before running off. She found herself at the burned entrance to Eden. There were people working to ensure that no one untoward crossed the border. A smile crossed the woman's face, showing what few rotten teeth she had left. "Little friends of the underside, hide me from their prying eyes," she slurred before walking through the gates to Eden. It was a rare chance she could come here. She was sure the garbage of this place was exquisite. Excitement gripped her stomach as no one stopped the old woman, her slow and steady movements not alerting the busy task force. Once inside she ran as fast as her old, arthritic legs could carry her. This was, admittedly, not very quick but she felt as if she were running like the wind. She came to rest at an old graveyard. Hunger pangs caused her to stop. The old woman ducked behind a mosoleum and opened the jar of peanut butter. She scooped out the old contents with her old hand, putting the ambrosia into her old mouth and swallowing it down with some difficulty. The day was beautiful and the gods had blessed her this day. She cackled quietly to herself as the shadows of the graves threatened her.