[color=a36209][h3][center]Alkaline[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] The alarm resounded through Jane's slimy body, causing slight vibrations to ripple across the surface of her body. Immediately, almost instinctual, the surface of her body began to adopt a more viscous form, and the ripple effect stopped almost instantly. Almost three seconds after awakening, Jane was already dragging her being into the nearby bathroom - her room, unlike most of the heroes, lacked a large number of comforts - simply because she had no use for them. However, a bathroom was a necessity, and as she barely managed to turn on the shower, she rapidly began to absorb the water that fell onto her surface. Quickly, she began to expand, until she was roughly 6 feet in diameter. She had been told several times that constantly being at her maximum size was inconvenient in the narrower spaces of the Tower - and Jane was always the type to please. As she remembered her awakening, Jane quickly ejected out the small wristwatch in her body - it was one of the few possessions she kept on hand. Looking at it on the ground, she quickly saw that the alarm earlier was a call to arms! A meeting! Jane dragged her body as quickly as she could which, to be fair, was not much faster than a normal person walking. She left her room, passed several other of the heroes rooms, and upon reaching the stairs, immediately loosened her body. By lowering her viscosity and not focusing on keeping her body in a spherical form, she could easily slide down the stairs far faster than normal - a trick she learned after spending 30 minutes climbing down the stairs whenever she wanted to travel. Elevators, with their high buttons and decent amount of force required to operate, made them rather unweildly. As she slid down the stairs, similar to a sink overflowing, Jane was ecstatic - her first mission! She had been assigned to a team with one of the first heroes in the entirety of New Horizon - Victory! Along with that, Miles had been with New Horizon for over 20 years (at least, Jane was told that), and Sydney was the same age as Jane! And if that wasn't enough, Jane was even given some basic training in preparation! Finally, a few dozen gallons of bright yellow liquid dripped onto the 12th floor - Where immediately, Jane reformed into her blob-like form, and began to drag herself towards the office that she was told meetings were held. She couldn't help but bubble and ripple occasionally - she was just so excited! Maybe she'd finally get a mission! A chance to be an actual hero! She had been waiting so long to actually do what she came here for, that she just couldn't restrain her glee as she pulled her body into the room. Several heroes had already beaten her there - specifically, Phoenix Dawn, Leo, and Miles. Quickly, however, people began to trickle in. As soon as everyone was gathered, the mission was explained, and Jane was practically melting the floor in excitement. Actually, a little bit of carpet was gone... Jane quickly grabbed her HIVEMIND device, a smaller and plastic version of what everyone else had - designed to withstand her acidic nature. Team Omicron made there away own the hallway, Jane doing her best to keep pace with the others brisk walk. As Victory addressed her, she thankfully realized Jane's discomfort and summoned a cup to carry her in. Thankful, Jane seeped into the cup, her body being slightly too much for the contents. However, a hero never complained - Jane said nothing, simply holding the extra mass above the rim, and keeping it from dripping. [color=a36209]"Anything you say, Victory! I'll be support for this one!"[/color] Jane focused slightly, forming a very crude hand and giving a thumbs up - it wasn't the best, but hey, you have to work with what you got. The group entered the elevator, and Jane quickly readied herself. She wasn't used to the movements, both due to her body and simply not being on an elevator in a long time. Quickly, the group made their way downtown - only to be met with the ravings of the man known as the Zookeeper - so far, the plan was that Jane would take out the movement of the robots, which while not the most glamorous, was still a necessary job. Luckily, Team Epsilon was able to take care of the bus, and Miles had already made his way into a nearby building in order to take care of the large bird. Considering the danger involved, Jane was terrified that so many civilians were nearby - but at the same time, she couldn't believe that she was on her first mission! It was time to make her debut!