[@LuckyBlackCat][@Cerces22][@Zarkun][@Dusksong] [h3][color=c4df9b]May 10th, 2020[/color][/h3] [b][color=fff79a]20:10 Local Time[/color][/b] It was the seventh day of their stay in cold Siberian Russia. Practically everyone was over it. They had went for a run earlier in the day, a run that produced no Pokemon sightings. Luckily Sergeant Sokolov presented them with their silver lining when they got back from their run. [b]"It has been good getting you all into shape, but this is our last running. We do not run in the afternoon. You must pack your things and prepare to leave early tomorrow."[/b] After dinner, Professor Rowan gave his goodbye speech. It was a well delivered goodbye, but it was the end of his speech that truly peaked everyone's interest. [b]"Alright everyone, I'm sure you are all wondering where you will be going next, and I'm pleased to reveal this to you."[/b] He paused for a moment to clear his throat, perhaps on purpose for dramatic effect. [b]"Your next destination is going to be France! There you will meet with my associate, Professor Sycamore. Also, if you take out your Pokedexes, you will find that all of your stops for the next six weeks have been mapped. My lab here is located in what is known as Pokemon HQ-2. Professor Sycamore's lab is inside Pokemon HQ-3. After that, your next stop will be Pokemon HQ-4 and so on, and so on, until you end up at Professor Oak's residence in Pokemon HQ-1. It has been an honor hosting you all..."[/b] Professor Rowan's speech lasted another five minutes, but honestly, most everyone had already tuned him out to look at their Pokedexes as he had unwittingly instructed. ([b]Quick Note:[/b] [i]If go back to the map found within the [b]first OOC post[/b], you will see that it's been updated with the information Professor Rowan was talking about.[/i]) [hr][h3][color=c4df9b]May 11th, 2020[/color][/h3] [b][color=fff79a]Around 15:00, Local Time[/color][/b] Ten hours, it took ten hours (and two layovers in Moscow and Berlin) to get from Norilk Airport to Charles de Gaulle Airport (just outside Paris France). But since their travels took them to a more Western Timezone, six hours were saved on the clock. Though internally, their bodies wouldn't be fooled, especially those not used to flying. That was a LONG 10 hours. Luckily, their bus ride was a short 15 minutes away from their final destination... Pokemon HQ-3. They were welcomed to the Pokemon HQ not by Professor Sycamore himself, but rather his assistant [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sophie]Sophie[/url]. She gave them the grand tour and let them pick out their rooms before leading everyone into the cafeteria for a nice [url=https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-11/16/20/campaign_images/webdr10/44-classic-french-meals-you-need-to-try-before-yo-1-19892-1447723690-0_big.jpg]French dinner[/url]. Aside from the food and scenery outside, the place was practically the same as its Russian counterpart. It wasn't until the end of dinner that [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Professor_Sycamore]Professor Sycamore[/url] came into the cafeteria to make his welcoming speech. He spoke English, but with a strong Poke-French accent. [b]"Why, hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well after your long journey. And welcome to France! I have grown to love it here, and I'm sure you will too... Now, I've been informed as to how they run their Poke Headquarters in Russia, and I assure you, that is not how things are done here. Instead, we will be training you minds. Your days will start with four hours of study and lecture, where you will focus on different cultures around the world. In the afternoons, you will all be free to go out in small groups of six to eight, plus one of my assistance and of course a driver for your van. You can travel in any direction, as long as you are back before midnight. If you check your Pokedexes for nearby Pokemon, you will find that there are more Pokemon around our area than there were in Russia..."[/b] [hider=Pokemon in the Area] Rattatta (Is very common. Is found in any urban environment, but is shy and hides well.) Jigglypuff (Is common. Is found in wide open areas, fields and parks.) Voltorb (Is common. Is found in urban environments, especially around electrical sources.) Mr. Mime (Is very common. Is found performing "magic tricks" (aka Psychic moves) in front of crowds.) ??? (There is a Bug-type Pokemon that is found in remote forests at night.) Castform (Is common. Is found in wide open fields and hill tops.) Cherubu (Is common. Is found in forests and parks hiding in bushes.) Gothita (Is common. Is found in cities late in the afternoon and at night.) ??? (There is a Bug-type Pokemon that has been spotted in city parks at night.) Togedemaru (Is common. Is found in very industrialized urban environments.) [/hider] [hr] ([b]Closing Notes:[/b] [i]My next post is going to be this upcoming Sunday and will take place May 14th in the RP. That will be the "surprise" tournament announcement. Everyone has until then to try and catch one of the Pokemon listed in the hider above. After the announcement, everyone will have the chance to capture one more Pokemon before we leave France. Just like in Russia, all you have to do is make a post where you encounter the Pokemon and choose its level and gender. Though, this time the Pokemon can be from [b]level 1 to level 20[/b]. You can either battle it (if you have a Pokemon already) or throw a Pokeball. If you choose to battle, be sure to mention the name of your Pokemon's opening move (and only use moves your Pokemon could naturally learn by leveling up. I will then respond with results ASAP, probably within 24 hours. If you choose to go after one of the ??? Pokemon, you must take your character to an appropriate area and give it a level and gender. I will then reveal the Pokemon. THEN you can try to catch it or battle it. Unlike in Russia, you all don't have to do these in any order, and you don't have to wait for me to reply to someone else's post before you make yours. I can respond to multiple posts within a single one of my posts.[/i])