[center][color=Gold][h3]Goblin Barth[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][center][h2]Day 1 & Day 4[/h2][/center] [hr] [i][u]Day 1- The Beginning[/u][/i] Barth rolled onto his side, ignoring the growing light as he tried to remain asleep. He had just woken on his first day of life and he was far from ready to interact with the world. He barely had the strength to roll, let alone move any of his limbs. Everything felt heavy and fragile. For a moment he thought he heard chitter chatter, but it vanished as soon as it started. He could no longer remain conscious, the simple effort of rolling had exhausted his diminutive reserves. Within moments he was drifting back into dreamland. [hr] [i][u]Day 4[/u][/i] Time passed in a series of featureless dreams, since he had never opened his eyes he had not yet established an image bank to pull from for when he slumbered. Barth slept for a total of three days straight, his body growing and strengthening the entire time albeit at a slower rate than the other Goblins who had woken earlier than him. Finally his eyes opened which caused him to blink rapidly as he attempted to adjust to the sudden intrusion of light. Once he was used to the gift of sight he rose off of the ground, stretching his arms above his head. Barth then took his first steps, moving towards the edge of the cave at a regular pace. From the spot he had been sleeping he could see the greenery of plant life, and it was calling to him. He barely took note of the fact that the cave was largely empty of young Goblins such as himself, too focused on his task. Exiting from the cave caused Barth’s face to break into a wide grin as he moved off to the side. Dropping to his knees he began examining the plant life near the base of a tree, enjoying the feel of the leaves and stems beneath his fingers.