Kjolmar hesitated but walked towards the swamp while Kain left. The swamp was quiet, almost too quiet. "Hello?" Kjolmar tried but nothing replied. "I came here for help." he continued. His voice echoed through the cave-like area. "I was experimented on and my regeneration cells are damaged, causing me to feel like merely a fraction of my usual self. I was told voodoo might help me become whole again." The swamp became restless and a creature surfaced, looking like it consisted mostly of bones and rotten flesh. Kjolmar gasped. What had he gotten himself into? "I can help you." the creature said with a voice that sounded like it came directly from the grave. It gave Kjolmar goosebumps. "For a price, ofcourse." the creature added. Kjolmar nodded. "I had expected that. Name your price, voodoo master." It chuckled. "Straight to the point, I see. You are nothing like the previous clients that visited me. Very well... Payment involves three drops of blood. The first drop is from yourself, elven but poisoned with the werewolf venom. The second and third drop of blood have to come from a naga and a newborn vampire." It was like the creature knew that he had met these kind of people recently. But would he be able to get their blood somehow? "I know where to find those." he admitted. "But if I give you the first one now, you will have to perform your ritual on me. The other two will be payed afterwards." The creature chuckled again. "Ah, elves and their urge to negotiate, even when they're not in a position to demand anything. Still, I will accept that offer. Step into the lake." Kjolmar slowly entered the swamp lake and felt a sting in his finger. He noticed a drop of blood flowing through the waters from himself towards the creature. As he dived underwater, he felt himself losing conscience. It was a very similar feeling to being knocked out by the humans earlier. Perhaps all of this was planned somehow? Was someone or something using him as a pawn? "Stop!" he shouted but it was too late. He felt dizzy and passed out. Not much later he woke up on the ground. The swamp was quiet again, the creature nowhere to be seen. However, he felt completely healed again. The voodoo had worked. Now he had to continue the payment... With a heavy heart, he made his way back to the underworld gathering place and walked up to Kain once more. Kain stared at him. "I'm glad to see you made it out alive. Did you get what you needed?" Kjolmar just nodded without saying anything. Kain frowned and tried to smile. "Good. Now never go there again." Kjolmar didn't even nod this time. Ofcourse he had to go there again, he had to deliver the naga and vampire blood somehow.