[quote=@Dusksong] ...[color=LightSlateGray]“Lead the way,”[/color] Dana said, following the Duskull towards a back lot. There, chewing on a pipe from the tarp-covered pile beside it, was a large Togedemaru that, upon noticing Dana and her Pokemon, whipped its tail aggressively, electricity sparking at its cheeks. [color=LightSlateGray]“Mud Bomb,”[/color] Dana said. Her Marshtomp complied, throwing out a ball of mud half the size of its target. Beside her, her Duskull settled in idly, red eyes drifting slowly between the battling Pokemon. Togedemaru — Lvl 20 [/quote] The Togedemaru that Dana found was indeed a hungry little critter. More than the rest, this Togedemaru had a keen knack for chowing down on just the right wire that would then cause entire factories to shut down. Because of this, every factory in the area had been trying for months to create some sort of Togedemaru trap. Unfortunately for them, Pokemon have a much higher intellect than their Earth world counter parts. Not one single Togedemaru had been caught in all this time. And in a way, that was also a good thing, because the traps weren't always the most humane. That's where Dana comes in to play. One more bite down on the bundle of wires at Togedemaru's feet and BAM, at least five large machines in the packaging plant they were standing beside were about to be brought to a screeching halt. Her first attack a "Mud Bomb" came hurling toward the Togedemaru, but Togedemaru wasn't scared. Instead it just launched back a counter attack of its own, a vicious "Spark". This was pure instinct for the little creature, an instinct that led it way wrong. Completely canceled out by the "Mud Bomb", Togedemaru went down hard. But Togedemaru wouldn't go down that easily... Their battle waged on for another two or three minutes, but it was no use, Togedemaru would wind up dazed and confused in defeat. In that time, a small group of factory workers had stumbled upon the scene. The cheered when the Togedemaru fell down for the last time, obviously giving up. [b]"Thank you so much!"[/b] Shouted a manager (only in French). [b]"Now, are you going to take that thing with you? Or should we... take care of it?"[/b] Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/9313]Dana Wins[/url] [hr] [quote=@Dusksong] ...Luck appeared to be on his side today, for behind the first bush he peered behind was a dozing Cherubi. [i]C’mere, you overgrown cherry,[/i] he thought, retrieving a Pokeball from his pocket and throwing it at the Cherubi. Failure? Failure he’d seen, felt, and dealt with, so let it come at him again. He wasn’t scared of failing again—he’d pick up and throw the Pokeballs however many number of times was required. Let failure come at him, because a single success would cancel all of it. Cherubi — lvl 10, male [/quote] Cherubi was hiding for good reason. Since he arrived here on earth, he was almost eaten by children multiple times. He would be caught sleeping and they would grab at his smaller head. He would then wake up just in time to cry out and run away, leaving behind a scared child. Truth be told, he wouldn't die if someone ate his smaller vestigial head, but it would be painful, and it would take a long time to regrow another one. When Camden pulled apart the bushes to find Cherubi, the little Pokemon awoke with a start. Instinctively, it turned to run away, but it didn't get far before Camden's Pokeball sucked it inside. It then fell to the ground and began to shake... Once.... Twice.... Three times......... *Click*.... And it stopped moving. It was a success! Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/9314]Camden Caught a Cherubi[/url]