[b]Hello Everyone! I am looking to roleplay either Fire Emblem: Awakening or Dark Souls III.[/b] I have several ideas in mind that we can discuss to give nice twists and depth to each of the stories, I'd love to plot things out with you if you're interested. [b]For Fire Emblem:[/b] I would play the default MU/Avatar, in other words, the basic Robin, I would like you to play any of the canon female cast, or even a female Robin if you would like to work that out. We can start at any point in the story you want and as far in the relationship as you want. We could start from the beginning of the game, playing it out with a twist. We could start before or directly after Emmeryn's fall and map out the rest of the game. We could even start at the end or the beginning of the Valm Campaign. I'm also fine with beginning during the two year buffer in between the end of the Plegian war and the beginning of the Valmese Campaign. Of course, I would like this to be romantic roleplay centered around the normal action of the game. The main ship would be Robin and whatever female character you would like to play as. I will also play other characters as well to give the world a bit more depth, so if you would like to start pairs with them as well I am all for it. I would prefer you assist me in playing characters apart from your main female character, I will be primarily playing the other male characters as well as whatever NPCs and Enemies we need. If you could play other NPCs (your discretion) and other female canon characters I would be very grateful. [b]For Dark Souls III:[/b] I will be playing as the main Unkindled Ash, I'll put his information below- Name: Lord Crabius the Third Appearance: Crabius wears Gundyr's ornate armor, something his ancestor Lord Crabius the First had stolen off of the now hollowed champion after defeating him in a duel. However, instead of the helmet he wears Lorian's crown, something he personally ripped off the crazed prince's head (Would be changed of course if you decide to start earlier in the timeline). He looks like a basic Astoran Noble (Literally the default Astoran Nobel, just much more muscular and masculine), pale white skin, a chiseled chin, bright blue eyes and short black hair. However, unlike his fellow noblemen, he had filled out his heavy armor with rippling muscles. He stands at six foot four, a hulking mass of muscle that looks even taller when wearing his full suit of hardened plate armor. History: Crabius comes from a long line of warrior kings and queens, all hailing from Astora. His father was a true failure in his eyes. Unlike he many ancestors before him, including his first notable ancestor, Lord Crabius the First, who assisted the Chosen Undead literally fell gods. The only notable thing his father did, Crabius the Second, was birth an heir and marry an untamable queen. He won no conquests, fought in no wars, felled no great men, and hadn't even killed a monstrous beast. Crabius despised his coward of a father, setting out to prove that his line had the right to be written down in the annals of history In his time, many cycles ago, he was chosen as a Lord of Cinder. He was jubilated, finally he was presented the chance to prove himself. By this time his father had long died, and with that, he inherited his armor, his family's cherished talisman, and his ancestor's Dragon Slayer's Great Bow. With those items, along with a katana he tore from the jaws of a dragon, that of which he couldn't land the finishing blow, and a sturdy weapon he had found (in a swamp), Crabius set out to link the First Flames like the many Lords of Cinder before him, a proud smile on his face and a heart thumping with proud. However, his journey would be for naught, for, just like his father before him, he died an utter failure. But a new chance had arrived many years after his death. Awoken as Unkindled Ash, he was given the new mission of bringing the newly awoken Lords of Cinder to their thrones, by any means necessary, and like his last mission, he would complete it at any cost. Nothing would stop him, may they be monsters, hollows, or even the gods themselves. Personality: Lord Crabius is a proud man, always talking about the deeds his ancestors had done, but not in a boastful way. He was proud of his bloodline (minus his father of course) and loved to tell the tales, sometimes even creating miracles by accident. Along with being proud, he was a very kind gentleman. He always helped those in need and was always courteous to those who deserved it. But of course, he was a strong leader, his booming and awe inspiring voice being able to rile up armies and his people, even though he no longer has either one to follow him. However, his strongest trait of all is his unbreakable will. Every Undead needs a purpose, and his, is the will to keep moving forward. No matter how many times he died, no matter how many times he falls, he always keeps going forward, throwing himself at any enemy before him, over, and over again, dying horribly and violently each time until he finally fells them once and for all. Nothing can break him, fear, failure and especially hardship. But this trait isn't always a positive one. Weaponry: -Frayed Blade: Obtained from fighting a dragon long before he failed as a lord of Cinder -Refined Dark Sword: A simple weapon he merely found in a swamp -Dragon Slayer Greatbow (With Oni-Slayer arrows): A family heirloom passed down through the generation all the way from when Gwyn first waged war against the Ancient Dragons -Saint's Talisman: His Great Grandfather's talisman, something he cherishes dearly Other Equipment: -Shield of Want -Havel's Rjng +3 -Ring of Favor +2 Stats: Vigor: 50 Attunement: 40 Endurance: 41 Vitality: 40 Strength:42 Dexterity:42 Intelligence: 20 Faith:60 Luck:5 I would like you to play a female character as I would like this to have a romantic edge to it, but it doesn't have to be the focus if you won't want it to be. You could be literally anyone from the female cast (That isn't old and decrepit of course), The Firekeeper, Karla, Siris, Anri, you could even play as your own Undead or Unkindled ash if you want. Just make sure to play your character true, may they be canon or otherwise. We could start wherever in the game you want, however I would prefer the middle parts of the game, but if you wish to, anywhere is fine, it really doesn't matter to me. I'm leaving this one more vague because we could take it in any direction we want, however do know that my character will have preset actions depending on how the story plays out and how your character interacts with my own. [b]Now! My requirements:[/b] [b]»[/b] I would like you to play as a female character, as I've stated before. You don't have to be a female though, as long as you feel comfortable enough to play as on is fine with me [b]»[/b] I look for at minimum, two paragraphs or fifteens lines, I myself tend to go really overboard with my writing and may shoot far above those numbers. I don't mind if you don't reach my length in replies, but please at least write that minimum, its truly hard to engage and build off of anything shorter than that. [b]»[/b] Someone who can respond at least once a day. I understand if you can't be around consistently, you have a life after all. Just as long as you're able to tell me when you're not going to be available is fine with me. I myself am around most of the day and am almost always ready to reply. My replies become less frequent around 8:00 am EST and 5:00 pm EST, for I have a life as well that I must attend to and may disappear, with reason, for a few days every once in awhile (except on weekends, I'm available most of the day then). [b]»[/b] Someone who doesn't mind in playing multiple characters in order to progress plot or give the story depth. You don't need to play sixteen different side characters, but I would appreciate it if you would assist me in playing NPCs or, in the case for Fire Emblem, the other Shepherds. There may be some small things I may have forgotten to mention here and there, but for the most part everything important has been written down. I can roleplay this over multiple platforms if need be so please ask me through PM or below if you would like to do so. Though, I will send it to you in PMs of course. I'm excited to write with you, Soul