I'm launching the IC this weekend. Please have your characters posted by then as we're going to have the events prepared already. If late, you may have to wait until the first series is complete or may have a sloppy entry in an event. [@Angel Eyes] [center][img]https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8442833408/h70B116DD/[/img][/center] Back to post four times and then disappear? I'm not being sarcastic. Dion and I predicted this the last time and you did /not/ fail to deliver. Fuck, 3 of your posts were filler no one gave a shit about and one post served to paralyze people you were involved with since you didn't bother to respond afterward. This isn't new with you. And now you show yourself with the same old medic-whimsical crap you've been flinging since forever and get bored with after two weeks. I'm denying you on the same grounds that I've denied Taka in the previous RP, being your complete lack of consistency. And absolutely no one to vouch for you. I wouldn't be as bad here if your character wasn't just a replica of another you shelved after three or so posts. That young mother trope is lame. Toodles.