[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png[/img] [/center] [sub] [/sub] [code]Grand Ridge Academy – Tuyen’s Dorm[/code] [hr] Tuyen had spent most of the day in her room getting ready for the fact she was going to have to actually talk to people later. Technically she had classes but she’d skipped them that morning. At the moment she had to keep her interaction to a minimum and it was either go to this strange gathering she’d been invited to, or classes. She’d chose the later. Maybe, just maybe, it would help a little bit. She’d actually taken the effort to shower and clean herself up after being caught unaware the day before. She put on makeup to cover the dark bags under her eyes and make her look just a little less exhausted. She even put some effort and thought into what she was wearing. The t-shirt was a plain white, but it went well with the purple and blue patterned skirt. A denim jacket over the top in case it was cold and she was sorted. With the top covered the strange mark on her chest she basically looked like she was dealing with things fine! Some people wouldn’t be fooled (Justin and Min) but it would work on most people. Really the last thing she wanted was concerned questions from people she didn’t know. Then again, she was sure there’d be a fair amount of people there also in worse states. Finally having got herself ready, mentally prepared to ignore her shadow with all her will (and equipped with headphones to ignore everyone if that didn’t work), Tuyen headed out. [hr] [code] Grand Ridge Academy – Conference Room[/code] Thankfully Tuyen wasn’t the first to arrive, though she wasn’t late by any means. There were already a few people there forming groups and all. It just made her stomach fill with dread. She could already tell how shit this was going to go and how much she was going to have to deal with seeing things. She was so not prepared for this. Still, she took a deep breath and stepped into the room. Gave a slight smile towards Martin (the only person she knew so far) and looked around to try decided where to sit. One part of her wanted to just sit alone, another knew it would be more normal for her to sit with people she was somewhat friendly with. In the end she decided on a seat close enough to people, such as Martin, but far enough away that she didn’t need to start a conversation upon sitting down. [hr] [center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Prosaic][@Atrophy] [/sub] [code]Sucre Café --> Grand Ridge Academy – Conference Room[/code] [hr] With a takeaway cup off coffee in their hand, Rien walked out of Sucre Café with a larger smile than they’d had going in. An afternoon coffee was a necessity when they had early morning classes. Thankfully they didn’t have a hangover today – as much as they’d been tempted to drink after discovering they had some kind of super power. Since pulling an actual, living butterfly out of paper Rien hadn’t tried doing it again. There was a reason they didn’t like traditional drawing. It brought back bad memories even if they could pull something cool out of it. Not that they’d ever let anyone know that they cared. If anyone asked they draw something quite happily. It was a bit of a conflict for them, honestly. They wanted to try using this cool new power and make all sorts of things. But why did it have to be drawing? They pushed away their thoughts as they approached the conference room that some kind of gathering was happening in. Honestly they didn’t really know much about it apart from that Kimberley had told them that they should be there. Something about some kind of support group. Well, whatever. It wasn’t like they had anything else to do. It took them a little while to reach their destination, but they’d left plenty of time to get there. They ended up fashionably late as was their style. A quick scan around the room they found the one person they had actually talked to before. “Heya, Martin!” They cheerfully took a seat beside him and the girl he was with, taking a long drink of your coffee. “It’s been a while. How you doing?” Then they leaned around to give Rita a wave. “Hi, I’m Rien, don’t think we’ve met before.” [hr] [center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub] [/sub] [code]Grand Ridge Academy[/code] [hr] [quote][b]To:[/b] Tuyen [code]You going to the support group meeting today? [/code] [/quote] Min sent the text to his cousin as he left his class, its ending time at four meaning he was running late. It didn’t help that the lecture was at the other side of the building and that he’d stayed behind to talk to the lecturer. Though he wasn’t too bothered about running late to something he didn’t have much interest in. The camp incident had affected him, sure, but not enough that he needed a support group/ [quote][b]From:[/b] Tuyen [code]Yeah, I am [/code] [/quote] The response was quick and short. Most of her texts recently had been short and infrequent, which was why he’d tried to check up on her the day for before. The fact that Justin had been there too still irritated him. Even more so that Tuyen had chosen to speak to him instead. He planned to speak to her after this support group, however, since he knew she was there. Not only were his parents questioning him on how she was doing academically he wanted to know for himself if she was fine. She certainly hadn’t seemed to be the day before. Hopefully he got to the conference room before a certain other person did. [hr] [center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub] [/sub] [code] Grand Ridge Academy – Conference Room[/code] [hr] Caelea couldn’t say that this was how she wanted to be spending her evening. She’d much rather be out for a jog or just at home doing nothing. Yet she’d turned up to a meeting organised by one of the people she disliked the most. Maybe if she knew what the hell was going on she wouldn’t have. But she still didn’t know why there was a bird marking on her back. It was just kind of there. And from seeing some others in the room, and around campus the past month, it seemed she wasn’t the only one. Really she just wanted answer. And if she had to put up with Britney talking for an hour or so she’d deal with it. Though sitting right near the back, with one headphone in, she made sure to make herself as unfriendly as possible. She wasn’t exactly here to socialise. Though she did have to applaud the girl giving Britney shit, cause she could really get behind that.