[@Jangel13] Well, here's something for an app, i suppose. A little nervous on my end about it, lol. I also hope this place lasts long enough this time to get some evolution in before another restart. I mean, because the idea is pretty cool and all. And i am not seeing any other RP's like this here on Roleplayerguild right now. Yeah. XD [hider=Nyma] Name: [color=aquamarine]Nyma[/color] Gender: Female Appearance: Nyma has what amounts to a very attractive figure and body....at least just among goblins, with a small and noticeable bust to match. This aside, she is still a goblin, fangs, and shorter stature and all, though she does have medium-length hair by female goblin standards. She has a pale brown skin tone with a forest green tint to it, which is a sort of genetic skin color variant she has merely due to genetics. However, said skin color allows her to especially better blend in around plants and dead leaves and such foliage during the fall, and generally well blend in around trees otherwise during the other various seasons. Her eyes are amber-colored as well. Personality: Nyma is the sort of individual who understands the value of being part of a group and can work with one, but has a force of will that allows her to operate independently and without hesitation if she sees fit to do so. Curious by nature, it is far less of an innocent curiosity she has and more coming from an inquisitive desire to understand things and explore some possibilities. Fitting with this is a desire to “think things out” or “have a plan” or “make calculated/smart decisions” that tends to differentiate her from the more rampant and rash individuals around her at times. That being said, she has the odd pervy side hidden back in her mind, not usually let out on a normal basis. Past Life History: In her past life, Nyma was a woman who felt bogged down by society, and so removed herself from the labors and chains of modern life. She lived all-natural deep in the woods, wearing naught but what she made for herself, cutting down wood for fire, hunting for her meals, and living out her life in the natural world. She enjoyed being in nature, a part of it, and even met a man who had the same idea to have a family with. Albeit, she cheated with her husband’s 3 sisters quite often behind closed cabin doors. But she and her husband still had about 12 children before she died in childbirth when trying to deliver #13 without any modern conveniences or help. Her life was pretty much a “wild ride” as it were. Skill (This is a rare ability that you are born with as a result of your past life. Ability as in One ability this ability could be anything that you learned from your past life like for example if you were an Olympic runner then you have the skill of speed being able to run faster or have higher agility. Just keep it reasonable.): -“Connection to Nature”: Due to her innate and lifelong connection to nature she built up in her past life, as a goblin Nyma bears this skill/gift in her new life. This skill allows her to connect with things such as elementals, elves, forest spirits, and the like, which includes being able to communicate with them as part of this connection. Other (anything you think should be put up): Secretly likes puns. Also her color in-RP is going to be Aquamarine. [center][h1][u][i][b]I'm a Mighty Goblin[/b][/i][/u][/h1][/center] --- EXP: Inventory: Acquired Skills: Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]