[h1]Astrid and Katalina[/h1] Kata paused as she head the bell and laughed a bit at that. [color=0076a3]"Ah, well you've seen more of the school now. After orientation ts afternoon you'll start classes. Just to note, most of the teachers come in from town. That's why you have to keep the spear in your room... they know we're 'troubled kids' but if we showed up with weapons..."[/color] [color=00a651]"I understand. I mean, my folks were not thrilled with me having a spear but... I refused to let anyone take it."[/color] Kata noticed that look in Astrid's eyes, and she knew it well. It was hard for her to let go of anything that held her to her true home. Though she was envious. Kata hadn't spoken to her parents since she had left school to come to Eleanore's school, and was pretty sure they had abandoned her. Now, two students arriving with parents that seemed to care even a little? It did sting a bit, but she didn't hold it against either Astrid or Ryker. [color=0076a3]"Well, for now, I'll show you where the dining room is. From there, you'll probably go spend the afternoon with Kade. He's cool."[/color] Kata offered a small smile to Astrid and lead her downstairs and into the dining room. She could see Hannah and Sumi talking away in their usual fast paced chatter and decided that it was probably best to introduce Astrid to someone calmer for lunch... though she was not sure whom to introduce her to. Katalina noticed that Astrid looked around at the food and paused for a moment before speaking up. [color=00a651]"Where's the mead?"[/color] Oh sweat Nereids... this girl was going to have her own set of problems.