The crowd began to devolve into chaos, though by the seating pattern, physical logistics simply had to keep them organized in some fashion. They wouldn't be able to get out of their seats or to the doors unless they went in the lanes nearly single file. That is, for most people. Taya gasped at the situation, sure that Aiden or Junebug was going to be hit. "What should I do!?" She screamed over the noise as Neil pulled out his gun. The pilot was certain she wondered if she could help in any tech savvy way, but not this time. "Stay down! Under your seat!" He told her, folding his chair up and leaping to its top, using his momentum to skipjump across the tops of the chairs into the royal 'killbox.' Usually, Neil wouldn't have any more luck than Junebug in a firefight, save perhaps dumb luck. But this time, he had the element of surprise on the would-be assassins. His feet landed at the very edge of the thin wall that separated the royal elevated position from the rest of the seats, narrowly avoiding (more out of happenstance than skill) a plasma bolt, to fire his own gun. Neil's 10mm gun wasn't as powerful as his usual revolver, but he always enjoyed some punch to his weapons. The bullet struck one of the assailants in the jaw, shattering into the back of his neck and ending his life. But the pilot hadn't stopped moving, rolling over thin air to hit the ground in mid roll. As graceful as it was, he had too much momentum and slammed audibly into the back of a chair upside down next to Junebug and the prince. Neil blinked and groaned, collecting his senses. "Got one." he muttered. Sayeeda grabbed his leg and yanked it, sending him rolling once over to get upright, though this time his head bumped the wall. If it wasn't for the fact he'd had some plates placed into his head after a dodgy mission on Corvus, it might have actually hurt him a bit. "Jesus!" He seethed, reciting a name from one of the traditional deities from old Terra. He blinked the stars away. "You didn't have t- whoa you look good tonight." [@Penny]