[@Soul Sweaper] I assume you are talking about the Fire Emblem/Dark Souls RP you posted? That should probably have been in the 1x1 section rather than Advanced. (Since moved over) Generally speaking, you shouldn't [i]really[/i] have any need to post the same content twice. There are a few exceptions including: reposting characters in another part of the thread (ooc/ic), reposting drafts from a test thread into a full RP, and multiple interest checks. The only interest checks that are a given may be an additional one in the General Interest Check board as that's like a overall check section, but occasionally people may do some other things to advertise their RPs better. Because you're still new I'd be wary of double posting for a while as you may get picked up by the spam check system and accidentally nuked. It's an easy fix, but it's something that can cause a bit of an annoyance if you didn't expect it.