[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ovPZZnN.png[/img][/center] [color=A9A9A9]Wraith's attention was kept by the citizens scrambling about. The task of keeping them out of harm's way proved difficult. A cry caught his attention; it was the shrill screams of a frantic mother. "My baby! My son! Somebody, please save him!" Wraith looked towards the woman standing on the sidelines, then followed her pointing finger. The lion robot; it had a sedan in it's mouth that it was seconds from crushing. Hanging halfway out of the window was a young boy, screaming and crying. Wraith acted fast. He flew up towards the beast, reaching out and using his telekinesis to keep it's jaws pried open. He phased into the vehicle, grabbed the boy and phased out. The second his attention was gone from the lion's maw, the beast crushed the car in half. Wraith flew down to the mother with the boy and handed him over. The woman, tears running down her face, threw her arms around the alien and thanked him profusely. Wraith went stiff, not quite sure how to react. "You're welcome," He said softly. He quickly ushered the two away, lest they become victims once more. Just as they ran off, Wraith heard thundering footsteps behind him. He swiveled just in time to see the lion leaping towards him, razor sharp claws outstretched. Thinking quickly, the alien caught the creature's paw with his telekinesis. The animal's whole limb was engulfed in the dark energy. Wraith thrust his hands down towards the ground, the energy following. With a shriek of tearing metal, the lion's foreleg ripped off and landed limply on the ground. Wraith cried out as a splitting pain shot through his head. The task of tearing the two ton leg from the beast had been a bit too much for him. He held his head, sinking to the ground on his knees. He was acutely aware, through the pain, that the lion was still limping towards him. Unable to lift himself up to fly away, all Wraith could do was conjure a shield as the beast bore down on him with it's gnashing jaws. It had him pinned to the ground, the shield the only thing keeping him from certain demise. "I need some assistance please," Ka'van said over the HIVEMIND link, his voice strained. [/color]