[center][color=turquoise][h2]Mililani Kekoa[/h2][h3]May 12th, early afternoon, Paris, France[/h3][/color][/center] Well, this place wasn't exactly a sun-drenched paradise, but at least it wasn't a frozen wasteland. As Mililani tagged along through the Parisian streets, she couldn't help observing something - with its bistros and its intricate architecture, this area looked rather like pictures and descriptions of a Pokemon world location, Kalos. It brought to mind the professors' theory that the two worlds were parallels, with corresponding regions. Of course, whether or not they knew more than they were letting on had yet to be discovered... Rowdy cries made it difficult to think as an argument between two girls grew more and more heated by the minute. Not a nasty argument, just one fuelled by overexcitement at having caught their first Pokemon, each trainer insisting their catch was the better by far. Mililani huffed and shook her head. [color=turquoise]"Will you two cut it out already?"[/color] she snapped. [color=turquoise]"They'll both be good ones if you train them right. Which, may I add, requires self-control."[/color] She glared as she emphasised the last part. [color=turquoise]"If you really want, you can always settle it with a battle later on."[/color] She tried to ignore their bickering as the group headed into a nearby cafe. Beside them, the five other Earth trainers she'd been put in charge of chatted and bubbled with almost the same passion. Mililani sighed. So mamy memories. The thrill of a new adventure, a promising future to stride towards, experiences to share with friends as they grew ever closer... She couldn't deny to herself that, in a way, she envied these people as much as she worried about them. After struggling to make an order in broken French, she stormed outside, three other trainers laughing as they followed. Trying to take no notice, she set her plate of apple flan on the table and took her place with the others. [i]Pomme[/i], not [i]pomme de terre[/i]... No wonder she'd gotten such a weird look, if she'd tried to order a caramelised POTATO pie. Wasn't the word for potato "patate"? Why were these Earth languages so complicated? She was halfway through the snack, almost starting to relax as she watched Liko let Palila drink nectar from the flowers he'd collected, when it happened. The two shouting girls, hyped up on sugar and coffee, stood up and marched to the square by the cafe. In a flash, their Pokemon appeared. "Alright, let's decide this once and for all!" one trainer yelled. With a loud scrape of the chair against the concrete, Mililani stood up. [color=turquoise]"Dammit, I didn't mean NOW!"[/color] she called as one girl's Gothita sent the other's Voltorb flying with Confusion. It landed with a crash, sending a flock of pigeons scattering, mostly towards people trying to enjoy their food. Cries rose up. A waiter staggered back from the flurry of wings, a creme brulee sliding off his tray and splattering on the ground. [color=turquoise]"This isn't the time or place!"[/color] Mililani shouted, but there was no getting through the fever pitch. It didn't help matters that Palila zoomed over, cheering on the impromptu battle. The Oricorio squawked as she narrowly avoided a Rollout from the out of control Voltorb, who went hurtling right into a table. The couple seated there leapt up, avoiding the coffee spillage that flowed across the surface and cascaded over the sides. It took several considerably less than pleased staff members emerging from the cafe for all trainers and Pokemon to fall silent. ... [color=turquoise]"So much for a relaxing break,"[/color] Mililani muttered, gripping a bag containing her leftover apple pie. Of course the entire group had been kicked out after that. Now they'd just have to head to the nearby park to finish their snacks... She stepped through the gates and stared. Everyone in the park lay still, slumped on the grass or across benches. [color=turquoise]"Ohh shit."[/color] In an instant, she'd called out Ohanna. The Lucario craned her neck, black appendages on her head rising as she scanned their auras, then she relaxed. Mililani gave a sigh of relief. Nothing serious. By the look of it, everyone was just asleep, but why? Slowly and carefully, she advanced, the other trainers following close behind. Then, Ohanna pointed into the bushes. Turning her head, Mililani caught a glimpse of something pink, which fled from view. The next thing she knew, a soothing song filled the air. [i]I should have guessed,[/i] she thought, struggling against the drowsiness that washed over her, unable to resist curling up on the ground... She woke to a groggy cry of annoyance. All around, people pulled themselves into sitting positions as one guy grumbled, searching around for the bag that contained his croissant. Propping herself up, Mililani noticed her slice of apple flan had disappeared. [color=turquoise]"Well, we know who the culprit is,"[/color] she mumbled as she and Ohanna staggered upright. This wasn't usual behaviour for a Jigglypuff. Usually, they wanted to be listened to, expressing displeasure when their audience fell asleep, yet none of the trainers had doodles on their faces. Either this was a particularly mischievous one, or its thieving was for a reason... Ohanna crept towards the shrubbery, and without warning, pounced. [color=turquoise]"Ohanna, don't!"[/color] Mililani called, running forward at a rustling noise and a squeal. A pink blob leapt out, clutching a paper bag close to its round body. Fur fluffing up, it inflated itself to sing again. [color=turquoise]"No, no, it's alright,"[/color] Mililani said, her voice gentle as she crouched down low. [color=turquoise]"I think I know why you're doing this."[/color] The Jigglypuff stayed back, blue eyes fixed on her in a pointed glare, then widening as she took Pokemon treats from her bag. The reaction confirmed it - the Fairy type had been surviving this way. [color=turquoise]"Here, have some of these instead."[/color] Mililani placed some of the treats on the ground, watching the Jigglypuff edge forward. It dropped the paper containing cafe food, picking up a Poke snack instead, noticeably calming as it ate. [color=turquoise]"If you want,"[/color] the trainer continued, pulling out a Pokeball, [color=turquoise]"you can come along, and we'll find a way to get back to our world."[/color] As the Jigglypuff looked up, with curiosity this time rather than fear, Mililani threw the Pokeball and hoped for the best. [@Balthazar007] Jigglypuff, female, lv9 [hider=Mililani][b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [list][*]Primarina ♀ (Naia), lv34 [*]Comfey ♂ (Liko), lv34 [*]Lucario ♀ (Ohanna), lv34 [*]Oricorio ♀ (Palila), lv34 [*]Drampa ♂ (Aouli), lv34 [*]Alolan Marowak ♂ (Keahi), lv34[/list] [b]Items: Pokeball x2[/b][/hider] [hr] [center][color=forestgreen][h2]Ryan Harrell[/h2][h3]May 12th, mid afternoon, Paris, France[/h3][/color][/center] By the time Ryan reached the field, it had started drizzling, but that was no bad thing. For one, Gilkey seemed to enjoy this kind of atmosphere, damp yet decently warm. The other reason was, this weather would undoubtedly make it easier to catch the Pokemon he was searching for. [color=forestgreen]"This is going to be no problem for us,"[/color] he said, glancing down at the Foongus who hopped alongside him, then up towards the clouds gathering above the green expanse. [color=forestgreen]"I mean, it surely won't take long to find one in an open place like this..."[/color] Despite the self-assurance in his voice, he couldn't help but frown as he ventured further into the grassland, eyes flicking this way and that. According to the Pokedex, wasn't this Pokemon supposed to be common in open areas? How difficult could this be...? A sudden torrent of water gushed down over his head. With a startled splutter, he backed away and stared up at the cloudlike creature floating in the air, its head encased in a giant raindrop, its body compressing itself like a sponge. It giggled as it drifted down. [color=forestgreen]"Very funny."[/color] Ryan rolled his eyes from the wild Pokemon to Gilkey, who visibly struggled not to join in the chuckling. [color=forestgreen]"Well, at least we've found what we came here for!"[/color] A Castform, with its ability to adapt to any environment, would be perfect for a travelling enthusiast like him - not to mention having a team member who could predict the best times to go camping or exploring would certainly be a plus. The Castform grinned, taking its place in front of Gilkey, bobbing up and down. [color=forestgreen]"Ah, not going to come along without a fight, are you?"[/color] Ryan asked, stepping forward, readying himself for his first battle. [color=forestgreen]"Gilkey, you ok with this?"[/color] A nod signalled the trainer's cue to start. [color=forestgreen]"Ha! Grass against water, this is no challenge at all,"[/color] Ryan commented. [color=forestgreen]"Alright Gilkey, use Absorb!"[/color] Before the mushroom Pokemon could do anything, the Castform barrelled forward with Tackle, sending the Grass type rolling sideways on her cap. [color=forestgreen]"Ah! Gilkey!"[/color] It looked like type advantage wasn't everything. Would it be enough to offset the difference in strength between the two? And what if the Castform knew an Ice type move? Even as he watched the Foongus jump back up, form a red energy ball between her stubby hands and shoot forth a beam of light, it did little to ease the tension taking over his assertiveness. He'd watched a few battles in the Russian headquarters, and could tell Pokemon were pretty tough. Commanding his living, breathing friend to fight, though, was nothing like commanding creatures of pixels and coding to fight. [i]They'll both be alright,[/i] he reminded himself, fists clenching as he called out moves for Gilkey to use. Even so, he made a mental note to ask Professor Sycamore about potions and other healing items at the next opportunity. [@Balthazar007] Castform, male, lv8 [hider=Ryan][b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [list][*]Foongus ♀ (Gilkey), lv10[/list] [b]Items:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x2[/list][/hider]