[h3][color=LightSlateGray]Ardanata “Dana” Stamos[/color][/h3][hr][hr][i]France || Industrialized Sector || May 12th[/i] Dana didn’t speak French, but after a series of attempts at pointing and signing, Dana worked out the gist of what the workers were asking, and she shook her head. She had no interest in any of the Pokemon in the area past that of training fodder. However, seeing the workers’ joy and the chewed pipes, Dana guessed at the workers were cheering for more than just her victory. [color=LightSlateGray]“Are there any other Pokemon you’d like me to take care of?”[/color] Dana asked in English. If none of them understood, there’d be no point in continuing to try to communicate anyway. After a pause, one of the workers stepped forwards. “There are many of them, all the time,” he said in choppy English as he pointed to the fainted Togedemaru. “Too many. Bigger is worse—strong enough to bite through pipes. If you, trainer, could help us catch them, that would be a great help.” [color=LightSlateGray]“I’m happy to help. I’ll just need to know where they are,”[/color] Dana said. The worker shook his head. “The small ones always run when we come, and the big ones are smarter. They know where we don’t check for them.” [color=LightSlateGray]“Alright. I’ll just defeat any big ones I come across,”[/color] Dana said, looking to her Duskull, which sank down into the ground. [color=LightSlateGray]“Where should I bring the ones I find?”[/color] [hider=Notes][h3] [/h3][u] Pokemon: [/u] [list][*]Duskull ♂ — Lvl 34 [*]Ivysaur* ♀ — Lvl 34 [*]Combusken ♂ — Lvl 34 [*]Scizor ♂ — Lvl 34 [*]Marshtomp ♂ — Lvl 34 [*]Clefable ♀ — Lvl 34 [/list][h3] [/h3][/hider] [@Balthazar007] [h1] [/h1][hr][h3][color=Khaki]Camden Montero[/color][/h3][hr][hr][i]France || May 12th[/i] Camden couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he retrieved his Pokeball. He’d done it—caught his first Pokemon. Everything was as it should be again, which was to be expected. His earlier doubts were clearly unfounded. [i]Cherubi—Ruby,[/i] Camden thought, calling out the Cherubi once he was a fair distance from the bushes. With a flash of light, the confused grass-type appeared, blinking and looking around with alarm. [color=Khaki]“Hey there,”[/color] Camden said, crouching down. The Cherubi regarded him with wary eyes that flicked between him and the bushes behind. [color=Khaki]“I’m Camden, and I’ll be your trainer. Cherubi—do you mind if I call you ‘Ruby’?”[/color] The Cherubi stared at him and, after a brief moment of silent consideration, nodded, its vestigial head bobbing with the motion. [color=Khaki]“Great,”[/color] Camden said, grinning as he straightened up. [color=Khaki]“Nice to meet you, Ruby. I’m sure we’ll get along fine.”[/color] [i]I’ll have to train him and such, but first,[/i] Camden thought, looking around at the other trainers in the area, [i]let’s see what everyone else is up to.[/i] [hider=Notes][h3] [/h3][u] Pokemon: [/u] [list][*]Ruby // Cherubi ♂ — Lvl 10 [/list][h3] [/h3][/hider] [hr]