You can now fight me over where I put you. [img][/img] Given how some details in some apps may not have been obvious and required digging, if I forgot some obscure feature than of well. *shrug* But a couple things going on: I added lines of Latitude to give a general idea of climate or even roughly distance if we assume 1:1 with Earth. But also because at least for me the language component is important, I added a line to mark where I think the language related to myself would go. I am willing to add more to create more a language backdrop so as to make up some kind of organic relationship between kingdoms in an area based on who speaks what. You don't need to create a deep syntax but in doing this it'd be kind of expected that the naming of things somewhere loosely match up, work it out among yourselves. If you want me to move, change, or add anything: do say. I tried to make early nations nice and big since you've all bore through this early bit so long. I'm thinking anyone I might accept in post-launch will and should be drawn smaller. I'm not adding anything more to the scale of the Star Children or Azurei again. I'll also have to throw a new thread together, once this is settled and I get some input on magic, as said above.