While she wasn’t referring to Team Seven, it was surprising to hear that they were going to visit her. His words caught her by surprise so much that her eyes popped open and her head jerked upward to look at him. They were ranked incorrectly, and the kids could have been incredibly hurt. It wasn’t until that moment that she got a good look at him. He was bandaged up, wounded and there was an exhaustion written on his face. Her mouth opened to ask what had happened to him but she stopped herself. She could ask that later, that was not a priority right now. Her gaze moved back to his actions which brought some of his Ninken in front of them. While she probably should have been surprised to some degree, she wasn’t. this was a good idea. However Akino’s snort towards Kakashi made her raise a blonde eyebrow. What was that about? Now that was something worth questioning when the time was right. The blue stare moved upwards, here he was battered, bruised, beaten and running low on chakra and yet he was willing to be a shoulder for her to lean on. A small nod rose and fell her head as she took his arm and got to her feet. With that she started to lead the way towards where she had left the girls; judging by the sleeping smoke used, they’d easily be out for another few hours. Her gaze shifted upwards to Kakashi observing the bandages, he must of have gotten into something bad; something at least B rank bad if not A and without a skilled group with him he took most of the damage and the blunt of the attacks. “You know, I may have a busted rib or two but you look like you should be leaning on me.” She wrapped her arm gently around Kakashi’s offering for him to use her as support as she used him. Sure she could ask about the reason he’s all bandaged up but that seemed like a talk for another time… “What did he mean by ‘I told you so’?” Kakashi being injured was a new sight but the words from Akino got her more confused than Kakashi being injured.