[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WKdecqD.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - Conference Room.[/code][/b][hr] It has been barely two seconds, and already Claire was getting annoyed. And the reason was a certain blonde haired idiot that [i]always[/i] had to run her mouth. Once Penny had finished talking, Claire had loudly groaned as she leaned back in her chair, and looked at Penny with a bored look on her face. The first words out of her mouth were as hostile as Penny was being. "Y'know, Penny," Claire started off, as she rolled her eyes, "Can you halt this 'Look at me, I'm cool' act for about ten seconds? Or at least do it quietly? You're going to make something bad [i]unbearable.[/i]" While Claire wasn't super close to Britney anymore... she hated Penny more than anything, and wasn't going to just sit here while the bitch continued to think that she could shit-talk anyone. She still remembered what Lawson said about them during the camp night. And Claire remembered that she was going to make Penny eat those words. Justin, who was sitting next to Claire (but kept his eyes on Min the whole time) merely silently agreed with the others when he just shrugged. If she had such a problem with Britney, then why is she even here? Makes no sense. Though, Justin wasn't as vocal. He choose, for once, to stay out of it and let this play it's course. For now. He felt a bit more inclined to side with his friend, Britney, than whoever the fuck this Penny was. "Settle down everyone," Britney said, merely choosing to ignore the comment by Penny. The grudge that Penny held onto was certainly irrational, but that was a discussion for another time. "This room is... "neutral territory," which means any grudges and feuds are to be left at the door. Because we're not here to talk about that. Got it?" "Hmph." Claire made the noise as she crossed her arms. "Got it." "Good, because let's begin since we got mostly everyone here," Britney said with a sigh, "Now, I've gathered everyone here for one reason - to give the survivors of that... incident, help and support amongst each other." She started off her speech. "Because we probably really need it. No counsellor can help us, I noticed that some of my closet friends have disappeared from their classes," Britney started off, before she turned her attention to Andrea, "This right here is Andrea Pasternack - the woman who gave me the idea to form this group, and our facilitator." She nodded her head at Andrea, before she said, "That said, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves," Britney started off, "Then I want people to speak up about their experiences in camp - if they choose to, of course, I'm not forcing anyone to talk - and everyone else to share advice, and other comments." Britney smiled - [i]this is going to go[/i] horribly - but gave it her best. "Who'd like to go first?" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - Conference Room.[/code][/b][hr] Lynnette, like Justin, choose to stay quiet. She knew that this was something that had nothing to do with her - even if she liked both Penny and Britney. All that she'd be doing by speaking up would be driving an unnecessary wedge between her two friends. One that she didn't want to deal with. Not now, not ever. So she went with the easy route and stayed silent. She just listened to Britney's speech, and introduction, before her phone buzzed with two text messages from Grant. She wondered what he wanted that he'd blow up her phone - [i]and[/i] write up giant paragraphs - over, but her curiosity was sparked up. [quote][b]From:[/b] Grant [code]Hey, something's come up. I went deaf yesterday for maybe half an hour, but my hearing came back perfectly fine afterward. And this might sound crazy, but I think it happened to a few other students too. My vision went weird too, but it went back to normal at the exact same time my hearing came back.[/code] [/quote] [quote][b]From:[/b] Grant [code]I realize that I could just be going crazy, or that my health could be deteriating. But I get the feeling that this is Farmer Hill related, in the freaky kind of way. A lot of weird things like this have been happening more often recently, I've noticed.[/code] [/quote] He went deaf, and then it came back... could Grant be another person like Lynette and the others? One thing that Lynette was figuring out (thanks to Aliana) was that she could see the auras of people with magical abilities - long as they were using them. Which means that Lynette could figure out anybody that was one of them, more or less. Still, she formed a response that said. [quote][b]To:[/b] Grant [code]I've noticed that too... but, where are you right now? I have something to show you.[/code] [/quote]