[@Dead Cruiser] and [@Grec] Anarky and Nightshade both appear to be more villains than traditional DC heroes or anti-heroes. I don't plan on getting into villains as characters just yet, but if this is the type of character you want you'll have to wait until we decide if this type of character can work into the game with 20+ heroes, as well as others choosing to play as a secondary character. [@rocketrobie2] Slipstream is exactly the kind of character I hoped to see in Gotham. Might wanna change up bits of the CS now though since the Titans won't be based in Gotham. Accepted all the same! [@Shellshock] I think I mentioned it in the PM, but I'd much rather have Cyborg or Fate as a character in this than another person trying to pull off a Robin. Tim as Red Robin was one of my favorite eras of the comics, but I just don't want two or three Robins running around Gotham when Batman will still mostly be dealing with the Titans in either Jump City or the west coast. [@Simple Unicycle] Q is accepted as your primary. [@Sir Lurksalot] You're in the same boat with me with no Story Arcs or Supporting Characters listed LOL. Champ is pre-approved till the CS is completed. I still need to post mine for B'Wana Beast. [@AngelofOctober] I'll have to reread the sheet again as I'm trying to go over a lot right now and finish this response I started last night. I'll let you know sometime today if it's accepted. Active JLU or Active Titans just means that you're on those team rosters full time and are mainly here to do team based missions as apposed to solo or smaller team-up story arcs. - Ω