[h1][centre]Marcus[/centre][/h1] [@WritingWolf] Marcus rolled his eyes as he turned to face Birdie. "[color=f9ad81]O' course it was you. Have ya least done something useful ever since we arrived in this city? Also, I want my apple back[/color]" he complained. The captain slowly reached out his hand, waiting for his precious fruit to be returned. [h1][centre]Anya[/centre][/h1] [@Blade17][@Mike the Bloodwolf] "[color=8493ca]Wha' did ye 'ave in mind Mike?[/color]" Anya asked with a smirk, "[color=8493ca]Oh I know! Ye two lads could dance together while I go 'n try t' find out why th' guards are observin' th' cap'n. How does that sound?[/color]". Anya looked at the boys in anticipation, waiting for their reaction. She simply wasn't in the mood for dancing (nor she could dance, but that's beside the point).And well Mike did offer to help.