[@Savato] [hider=Iyokan Koko] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLkVCOTY3NS5TWGx2YTJGdUlFdHZhMjgsLjAAAAAA/painting-with-chocolate.regular.png[/img] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRD7WylAfkw]The Final Blow[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]https://i.imgur.com/NKtqI0I.png[/img] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Full Name[/U]】[/color] [indent]Iyokan Koko[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Nickname/Alias[/U]】[/color] [indent]Orenji Abazure [sup][color=gray][loose meaning: orange bitch][/color][/sup][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Gender[/U]】[/color] [indent]Female[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Age[/U]】[/color] [indent]Nineteen[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Age Appearance[/U]】[/color] [indent]Late teens[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Sexuality[/U]】[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Nation[/U]】[/color] [indent]Isles of Mist[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Birthplace[/U]】[/color] [indent]Small fishing village near Kirigakure[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Alignment/Affiliation/Organization[/U]】[/color] [indent]Kirigakure[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Clan/Bloodline[/U]】[/color] [indent]Civilian Origins[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Rank[/U]】[/color] [indent]Tokubetsu Jōnin [sup][color=gray][poison specialist][/color][/sup][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Chakra Nature[/U]】[/color] [indent][img] https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img] Fūton [sup][color=gray][primary][/color][/sup] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img] Suiton [sup][color=gray][secondary][/color][/sup][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Appearance/Wardrobe[/U]】[/color] [indent]Koko is a woman with a wiry frame, her limbs seeming almost too long for her torso. Because of her wiry frame, she tends to slink around instead of walking and has an agile casual way of moving that appears languid and borderline graceless. Her unruly red hair has been chopped short with bangs hanging across her forehead, as she tends to hold functionality over beautifully long lustrous hair. Her sharpish eyes are a light green and tend to narrow in thought often; under her eyes, her nose is straight and almost beaklike in the way it sticks out further than the rest of her features. Koko’s mouth is often curled into a smirk or smile, and her resting face seems peaceful and happy rather than bitchy. For clothes, Koko tends to favor orange and black. Her typical shinobi outfit is a black halter top that curves around her neck and shows the lithe muscles of her shoulders and back. The halter top is tucked into her orange pants which are loose around her hips, but not loose enough to fall off, to give her range of movement without uncomfortably stretchy thin pants. Her orange pants have triangular holes in the sides which show the bandages wrapped around her upper thighs, bandaged in a way to almost look like fish scales. Her wrists are wrapped in black bandages and her feet encased in open-heel orange sandals. When leisurely walking or traveling, Koko likes to wear her straw hat over her unmanageable hair, but it quick to set it on the ground during a serious fight lest it get in the way. Even though Koko is not the type to dwell on aesthetics, she likes to keep her fingernails and toenails painted black because she finds the activity relaxing. [/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Personality[/U]】[/color] [indent]Iyokan Koko is a laidback woman of leisure. She’s neither known for an explosive temper nor a thin patience. Instead, she adopts an affable stance towards everyone and anything, expressing false empathy with most she meets with. Unlike those unfortunate child prodigies, Koko is not socially inept or awkward and can read situations rather easily and respond appropriately. Her niceties are mostly false as Koko finds it rather hard to grow attached to other people. She’s not particularly misanthropic – she finds people very fascinating, really, and would have specialized in interrogation if she had any skill whatsoever for psychology – but she tends to have a pragmatic, big picture outlook on life that leads to her seeing people as mere names on a page than living breathing things. This isn’t to say that she is entirely sociopathic and incapable of growing bonds and roots. The few that Koko becomes close to, usually through long periods of socialization, she can become quite possessive over and doesn’t like to share her objects of affections with anyone else. Beyond her laidback nature, Koko has gained a reputation for being a sadist. Koko herself doesn’t see herself as a sadist, but instead acknowledges the fact that her sadist reputation probably stems from the fact that she likes to play. Koko enjoys the small things of a fight – likes to see the burning fire in her foes, the way they pick themselves up after everything she throws at them, and generally likes to poke and prod the bear to see how it reacts. Because of that, Koko tends to string enemies along rather than outright end it out of a fascination to see how they would react to whatever she throws at them. Nothing really seems to bother Koko, and if it does, it’s hidden behind a false smile or smirk. Insults and digging into wounds tend to roll over her like water off a duck’s back. She doesn’t rise to bait and, even in fights, tends to shower others with compliments and attempts to get to know the other. For her, it isn’t rare for her to suddenly ask her opponent what they’re favorite color is in the middle of a fight. If there is a hair trigger to get a rise out of her, no one has found it yet – she doesn’t even get angry when people insult those she finds herself particularly close to. [/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]History[/U]】[/color] [indent]Iyokan Koko was born to a poor fishing family in a poor fishing village outside of Kirigakure. They definitely were not the poorest of the bunch in that small village, but they weren’t having any five-course meals anytime soon. Koko was the youngest daughter of four, but she wasn’t particularly doted on nor was she treated unfairly. If anything, Koko’s beginnings to life could be described as average for the lower class of the Isles of the Mist. When Koko was five years old, her father died of a sickness due to the fact that they were too poor for the medicine he needed. After his death, unable to support her children, her mother thought it was best for her children if she gave them up to an orphanage in Kirigakure. Hopefully, her mother thought, they would get what they needed there. Some of Koko’s sisters faced years of bitterness from the seeming abandonment, but Koko didn’t really focus on her family life. Instead, Koko focused on her dream of becoming a fabulous shinobi of Kirigakure. Three of her older sisters instead went to work in various civilian jobs, but the second youngest of the five decided to join Koko in becoming a shinobi as she dreamed that the money she earned could bring her family back together. In the academy, Koko struggled finding her niche in the shinobi world while her older sister, Koto, excelled in ninjutsu. At first Koko was angry, but after an explosive argument with Koto, Koko decided it was time to cut the bullshit and focus on herself. After that, Koko slowly drifted away from her sisters until they were more acquaintances than family. With a newfound energy to focus, Koko realizes that ninjutsu would never be her strong point – her chakra reserves were too low – so she instead focused on taijutsu and building up her endurance. With taijutsu, however, there ran the risk of meeting enemies that could defeat her without letting her get close. Due to this worry, Koko dabbled in iryo-ninjutsu and medical knowledge until she learned enough about the human body to start utilizing poisons with her taijutsu. Though she knows the mystical palm technique, outside of using it for designing new poisons, Koko can’t use it for much else. After graduating from the academy, Koko worked her ass off to rise through the ranks. She picked up some ninjutsu jutsu to use in emergencies, but for the most part using jutsu was too taxing on her chakra reserves unless they were lower than C-rank. While a chuunin, Koko picked up the habit of smoking and began training with a kenka kiseru, a fighting pipe. Koko became a Tokubetsu Jōnin when she was sixteen after she gained the moniker Orenji Abazure on the field due to her poison usage and bad habit of playing with her enemies. The last Koko heard of her sisters, they were all living together in some nice apartment in Kirigakure while looking for their long lost mother. Koto is currently a chuunin, having turned down the chance of becoming a tokubetsu jonin as she wanted to become a full jonin rather than be pidgeon-holed as a specialist [/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Special Traits[/U]】[/color] [indent][color=#75CAEB]≈[/color] Poison resistance [color=#75CAEB]≈[/color] Good chakra control [color=#75CAEB]≈[/color] Taijutsu user [color=#75CAEB]≈[/color] High endurance[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Afflictions/Nerfs[/U]】[/color] [indent][color=#75CAEB]≈[/color] Small chakra reserves[/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Equipment/Weapons/Items[/U]】[/color] [indent][table=bordered] [row][cell][center] Name [/center][/cell][cell][center] Description [/center][/cell][cell][center] Appearance [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=75CAEB][i]Kenka Kiseru[/i][/color][/center][/cell][cell]A 45.5 centimeters long smoking pipe that can be used for both smoking purposes and battle. In fights, Koko might switch the tobacco in it to poison in order to puff potent poison smoke into the air around her that slows down enemies' reflexes. In taijutsu, Koko uses the pipe much like a staff would be used.[/cell][cell][center][url=http://www.kiseru-pipe.com/293-2712-thickbox/ancient-kenka-kiseru-unused-engraved-falcon-212mm.jpg][color=75CAEB][i]Appearance Link[/i][/color][/url][/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=75CAEB][i]Basic Shinobi Tools[/i][/color][/center][/cell][cell]Senbon, kunai, shuriken, ninja wire, paper bombs, and storage scrolls. She has several sets of projectiles and ninja wire, each with a different poison and then a set that is not poisoned. She has a storage scroll for each set, with the paper bombs being held with the normal set.[/cell][cell][center][url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/5647/th/pre/i/2013/257/b/5/ninja_tools_by_kohaku626-d6macjw.png][color=75CAEB][i]Appearance Link[/i][/color][/url][/center][/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][center] Poison Name [/center][/cell][cell][center] Uses and Effects [/center][/cell][cell][center] Appearance [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=75CAEB][i]Jōryū ni Suiei[/i][/color][/center][/cell][cell]The poison is used to slow down the reflexes of an opponent. Koko usually introduces it early on in a fight as it only slowly gets introduced into their system and can take a while to take affect. The poison only works if it is inhaled or injected into the bloodstream. Taking advantage of an opponent's sluggish movements, Koko then tries to overpower her enemy through taijutsu.[/cell][cell]Jōryū ni Suiei looks like aqua-blue tobacco in its nonlethal form. When inserted into Koko's pipe, the fire causes it to glow before emitting the poisonous smoke that affects her victims.[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=75CAEB][i]Akai Kurēn Saikuron[/i][/color][/center][/cell][cell]This poison is a hallucinogenic and often causes Koko's opponents to see vivid colors and mirages. Sometimes the opponent can see terrifying hallucinations, sometimes they're more innocent and warm. Because she cannot depend on what the hallucinogenic causes her opponent to see, Koko uses it to distract her opponent while she attacks from another angle. The hallucinogenic is fast acting and begins working within two minutes; however, it can wear off from anywhere to fifteen minutes to an hour, depending on the constitution of the opponent. Koko usually uses this poison by coating it on her weapons as it only works when it enters the bloodstream.[/cell][cell]Akai Kurēn Saikuron is a red liquid, with the consistency of milk almost, that is strained from a poisonous orange and red flower.[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=75CAEB][i]Doku Mikan no Seppun[/i][/color][/center][/cell][cell]Koko's most deadly poison. Doku Mikan no Seppun is able to paralyze opponents in small doses and kill in higher doses. However, the line between kill and paralyzing is very thin as the dosage all matters on constitution, weight, height, and poison resistance which cannot be calculated easily in a fight. As such, it is very easy to overdose an opponent when meaning to paralyze and paralyze when meaning to kill. Due to the high margin of error, Koko mostly uses this poison for assassinations rather than in battle unless as a last resort. On the same vein, it is incredibly difficult to use as it does not stick on a kunai or senbon in enough concentration to paralyze someone. It would only work if multiple kunai or senbon have cut into the skin.[/cell][cell]Doku Mikan no Seppun is a clear and odorless liquid. It has the slight tangy taste of a tangerine; therefore, it can be detected by taste. Usually, if you are tasting it, it is too late - ingestion is the best way for the poison to take. It is very liquidy and doesn't stick to projectiles well - it is best used hidden in food.[/cell][/row][/table][/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [indent][color=EB9675]【[U]Jutsu[/U]】[/color][indent][table=bordered][row][cell][center] S-Rank [/center][/cell][cell][center] A-Rank [/center][/cell][cell][center] B-Rank [/center][/cell][cell][center] C-Rank [/center][/cell][cell][center] D-Rank [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Rotating_Shuriken][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Poison_Mist][color=75CAEB][i]Dokuton: Dokugiri[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [color=75CAEB]Dokuton: Doku Senbon no jutsu*[/color] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation_Technique][color=75CAEB][i]Henge no Jutsu[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Swift_Wind_Wall][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Fūjinheki[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Sphere][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Shinkūgyoku[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Gale_Palm][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Reppūshō[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Technique][color=75CAEB][i]Bunshin no Jutsu[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Palm_Technique][color=75CAEB][i]Shōsen Jutsu[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Violent_Whirlwind][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Ressenpū[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Great_Breakthrough][color=75CAEB][i]Fūton: Daitoppa[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Substitution_Jutsu][color=75CAEB][i]Kawarimi no Jutsu[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [/center][/cell][cell][center] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Rope_Escape_Technique][color=75CAEB][i]Nawanuke no Jutsu[/i][/color][/url] [/center][/cell][/row] [/table][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][hider=Custom Jutsu*] [indent][b]Name of Technique:[/b] [indent]Dokuton: Doku Senbon no jutsu[/indent] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [indent]Offensive[/indent] [b]Rank:[/b] [indent]C-Rank[/indent] [b]Range:[/b] [indent]Mid- to Long-range[/indent] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [indent]Poison[/indent] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]The user molds the chakra in their stomach to become poisonous then uses the chakra to form thin needles. The user then expels the projectiles from their mouth at their enemies.[/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent][/indent] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [/hider]