Marea nodded in response to Marlowe's plan, remaining silent and statuesque as their short, cramped journey began. [color=2E2C2C][i]Mother Ocean protect us...[/i][/color] As the ship rocked, and Marlowe found himself almost ontop of her, the girl just kind of stared up with her usual calm, helping him back into a comfortable spot with a few gentle pushes. [color=2E2C2C][i]That's way too close! For a second, I thought that was going to...[/i][/color] Her blue hair shook with her head, and Marea returned to her previous stillness until it was finally time to leave the crate. Once they were free from their self-imposed prisons, she would stretch her entire body before hurrying to catch up with Marlowe. Marea remained collected through her companion's frantic explanation in trying to keep his place up until the very moment the ship made a hard rock that caused her to stumble and fall flat onto the wooden floor. Pushing herself up, she quickly looked around until her gaze found Marlowe once more. Then, the sounds of battle above-deck began to ring out. [color=2E2C2C][i]He's going to rush up deck. I should try and get a head start so I won't be too far behind.[/i][/color] At that, the girl sprung back up to full height and pushed past the man watching over them as she started rushing to the top of the ship.