Siegfried's words... the summoning system employed here provided knowledge much in the way that the Grail did in the past. As a result, the knowledge of heroes that Arturia had never heard of in life was as easily recalled as the meal she had eaten earlier in the day. And the name Sigurd... a spear-wielding warrior woman lamenting the name of Sigurd. It wasn't difficult, via process of elimination, identifying who the corrupted Lancer could be... But there was little more time to converse. The wolves that the dragonslayer mentioned were already making their way towards the town, and it was her duty to put a stop to their advance. Even if her Master had not ordered such a thing. "Yes, Master," she said, swiftly, reminding herself to mention the matter of the Lancer's potential identity before immediately breaking into a sprint towards the advancing silhouettes. They were large, dangerous beasts, undeniably, but that did not mean anything when it came to a knight. She would fight regardless of the opponent. The moment the blonde girl came within striking range of one of the wolves, she raised Excalibur and brought it down, aiming to cut the beast completely in half by surprise.