The trip to Gullspire Rock was well in progress - Eliza found herself aboard the Skullfish, alongside quite a few other Divers. With every second that passed, they drew closer to their destination... and Eliza couldn't wait to arrive, and take a look at whatever the situation [i]was[/i] with the place. It was a mystery, but she'd already pondered that enough. Now? It was just time to wait. With a yawn, Eliza sat herself down, and placed both her shield and her sword from off her back, and set them down onto the ground. While the sword was in good shape - it hadn't seen much combat, her shield - nicknamed the Volt Vanguard, had. It was rather dented and even a little rusty... it was clear it'd seen better days. But even still, that shield served its purpose well as well - a shield. [color=f26522][i]'Geez... I'll need to find some repairman or something. Or... buy a new one. That works, too. Because it's really starting to lose its luster... in both senses.'[/i][/color] Glancing over at the wooden sword, Eliza rolled her eyes with mild irritation. [color=f26522][i]'I really regret leaving my Shock Sabre... not my wisest move, but I'll be fine. If I really need to use my powers, I'll just find anything that's pointy and metal. That's real easy... I think?'[/i][/color] But, unfortunately - at that moment, the boat rocked something fierce, which, in turn, moved both Eliza's sword and shield. Instinctively, she grabbed her shield and braced herself against, as to not slip herself, but unfortunately... her sword slipped out of reach. With a sigh, Eliza began to eye the rest of the boat. Several of the others present on the ship yelled out with various cries for whatever reason, though Eliza didn't immediately see why. However, when she did... it immediately made sense. Green, quadruped beasts that almost resembled frogs - Eliza immediately recognized these. Savorasks, beasts infamous for their tongues - and the sharp, ravenous maw that awaited anything unlucky enough to fall victim to said tongue. With her shield in hand, Eliza glanced over towards her sword... which was far out of reach. [color=f26522]"Motherf-"[/color] Eliza exclaimed. [color=f26522]"Y'know what?! Screw it!"[/color] Shield raised to defend herself, Eliza rushed at the frog-like beings. [color=f26522][i]'I'll deadlock them, so the rest of these fellas can really let loose! Nobody's getting hurt under my watch."[/i][/color] Eliza thought to herself, then she looked over at the rest of the people aboard the Skullfish, and shouted so they'd hear her. [color=f26522]"You guys! No need to worry, I'll be your iron wall! The iron wall that'll block everything they throw at us!"[/color] Then, her eye on the Savorasks, Eliza glared and spoke once more. [color=f26522]"If you guys think you can take me... you're dead wrong."[/color]