Sparks flew as she hit high and low, while he strikes back in equal measure. All in all, it was the same pattern...although the pirate grabbed one of the small forged blades nearby. Vivienne threw it at him with force, but missing, with him being able to dodge the incoming projectile. "You made all these?", she curiously asked him, somewhat amazed, while keeping up with his strikes. Five hours a day?, the brunette thought, internally groaning. "You really need to find yourself a girl, love", she remarked with that grin again, playful. However, internally, Vivienne was slightly getting frustrated to not lay a mark upon him, but in admittance, his skill was cutting. Vivienne knew that the more she pushed it, the more she could get inside his head, and find out what makes him tick. That last comment she made probably went a little too far in the young man's boundary. The pirate almost got herself struck, once she dodged a rather powerful swing. Vivienne's blade unexpectedly locked with his own, surprisingly feeling his strength from the performed action. Her hand suddenly snatched itself onto the tied-collar of his shirt, to make her face closer to his own, while their blades were in an x-formation between them. "Or, maybe because you already found one, but can’t woo her?", Vivienne was practically taunting him again, although it was meant to be a curious question. [i]Who was the girl?[/i]