[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Jessica Pearson[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/43485dfed40cc6747f820b5d7748352a/tumblr_o178maefzu1tax0jwo1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Sayuki Chikashi's Apartment, Boston Massachusetts Interacting With: Kyasarin, Chikashi, & Mallory[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Jessica looked over at Mallory and nodded slightly, it was true that they couldn't stay in one place for to long, and she didn't want to risk the Sayuki's any further than they already have been. [color=yellow]"You are right, heaven will probably send more, and who knows how much longer Hel will end up finding you as well."[/color] Jessica said softly, when she turned over to look at Chikashi, and Kyasarin seeing his daughter attempting to stand up yet again, which made her smile. She was really happy that she was able to help Kyasarin regain the use of her legs once more. [color=yellow]"Chikashi, I really do owe you a lot for housing us but I cant risk you or your family to get caught up in the crossfire."[/color] Jessica said softly rubbing the back of her neck slightly and bit her bottom lip. [color=yellow]"When things settle down, i'll be sure to come back and maybe help out however I can."[/color] Jessica offered as she went back towards the room that was her's from the evening before and started to grab the bags that she had brought with her and entered the living room once more and extended her hand towards him. [color=yellow]"Thank you once again for everything."[/color] Jessica wanted to stay a little bit longer, but she didn't want to risk anyone else's life. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=00CED1]Mariana Garcia[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tumblr.com/2b22ad7790dc665acd04f2b75ee1488c/tumblr_inline_mk1ehhS9rg1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [I]Location: Room 307 - Hunter Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora[@Morose][/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Mariana started up the car and drove to the closest Home Depot which wasn't that far of a drive, she started to turn on the radio and listen to a little bit of music while they drove, she kept it loud and blaring like she always did. But the drive was rather quick once they were there at the Home Depot parking lot it took about five minutes or so until she was able to find a place to park. Mariana climbed out of her car, and made sure that it was locked before turning her attention to her partner in crime. [color=00CED1]"Well all we really need is to just get some saws, nails, and wood planks and some sanders, as well as wood finish and some carving materials as well. At least that's what I think so unless theres something that you think we need?"[/color] Mariana answered as she walked over and grabbed herself a cart looking at Aloise. [color=00CED1]"So how did you and Hel meet up anyway?"[/color] Mariana finally asked, it was a good opportunity to try and get to know her more and figure out more on her motives aside from closing the gates to both heaven and hell.