[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmViMDUzNy5RbWwwZEdWeWMzZGxaWFFnVTI5c2FYUjFaR1UsLjAAAA,,/decalled-script.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxriwl7MIU1r23tzz.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=mediumorchid]“I know you are upset at me, Demetria, but what else was I supposed to do?[/color] Jomana and Demetria were standing in the back of an empty classroom of the 7th floor, both girls wearing scowls on their faces and their arms crossed in front of their chests. Caleb and Sean had bowed out the moment Demi had been unpetrified, sensing the immediate tension that filled the air and correctly assuming that the girls would need some alone time to discuss what had happened. After a particularly uncomfortable silence in which Demi was struggling to regain her composure, she finally spoke. [color=darkred]“As much as I appreciate your noble gesture, Jomana, it really wasn’t necessary.”[/color] Demi spat, angrily glaring at Jomana. [color=darkred]“I had it all under control. You didn’t have to butt in like that and interrupt the lesson I was gonna teach them.”[/color] [color=mediumorchid]“And let you ruin your school record by getting detention over individuals as worthless as those two? I do not think so. It is not a fair price to pay.”[/color] [color=darkred]“But they deserved it, Jo!”[/color] Demi cried out, red-faced and stomping her foot on the ground. Frustrated tears were threatening to spill, but the brunette fought her hardest against them. [color=darkred]“How can they just go along their merry way like everything is fine when it’s really not?! How do they have the nerve to show each other off like that and rub it in my face and make me feel like I was nothing but a joke and the world’s biggest piece of worthless crap in the world?! And I’m supposed to just sit back and take it?! No, ma’am! They fucking deserved it!”[/color] Letting out a frustrated snarl, Demi stormed off, this time in the direction of the party. She made a beeline straight for the DJ booth, deciding that she was done with the damn party for the rest of night. Once there, she excused herself with the party’s organizers for bowing out early, made sure to exchange music devices and leave someone else in charge before stalking off to her secret safe spot. The Astronomy Tower, as expected, was completely deserted at this time of night. This was the first thing Demi noticed upon arrival, and it instantly made her broken heart feel just a little better. Solitude was exactly what she needed at this very moment, in a place where she would breathe some fresh air and not be bothered by unwelcome guests. Huffing, puffing and trying to catch her breath after going up the many stairs it took to reach this, Demi quickly took a seat in the tower’s floor, making sure to be facing the door in case someone decided to drop by. She checked her dress pockets for her ipod, and once she had it in her hand, she looked up the playlist of sad songs she’d used as therapy ever since Kalder had broken up with her in the summer. Earphones in, world out. She tried to use the music to forget about all that had happened that night, but everytime she looked up at the starry nights sky, all she saw was Beatrice and Kalder in that passionate embrace she’d caught them in. This in turn brought back all the conflicting, negative feelings she’d been wrestling with for some time now. Why was Kalder purposely pulling all these stupid stunts to hurt her like this? And why with Beatrice, of all people in the world? Okay, in hindsight, maybe she wasn’t the right person to pass judgement about that- her and Noel [i]had[/i] been involved for some time now, after all. But it hadn’t been on purpose! If she was completely honest with herself, Demi had secretly thought that maybe her getting with Noel would be the push Kalder needed to open up his eyes, realize what he was missing and step up. Instead, things had backfired in the nastiest of ways. Kalder had moved on with her best friend, they looked to be very happy together, and he seemed proud of having her by his side. This last phrase brought back the nasty insecurities she’d always tried to bury, but that always came creeping back. The question that kept itself in a loop in Demi’s mind was simply: [i]Why her and not me?[/i] Why was she the embarrassing, shameful secret he’d had to keep hidden for months, yet Beatrice was the one worthy of being paraded around? Was it because she was American? Or because her father was a construction worker and not a prestigious or important millionaire? Was it because she wasn’t a beautiful, dainty little blonde willing to do anything and everything Kalder asked for? Was she too strong-willed, too outspoken and lacking the grace and poise that being Kalder’s girlfriend required? Was it because she wasn’t pretty enough, rich enough, smart enough, cool enough and overall just [i]not good enough for him[/i]? Shaking her head, she forced herself to shut her eyes and fight her hardest to flush these thoughts away. But in the end, it all became just too damn much. [center][i]He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart, He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do[/i][/center] Taking in a deep breath, Demi decided to just let out all the weight she’d been silently carrying in her shoulders for so long. In this moment of loneliness, it was finally time to take off the mask of cold indifference and let the broken girl inside her breathe. And so, she began to cry.